Yze Concepts

Last 3 Edits

30th April, 2019

  • Added descriptions and Skill lists for a few sub-concepts that were missing them.

4th Dec, 2018

  • Ported info to new site.

Sept 6th, 2017. Added FS - Dual Wielder to Jedi.

Books Completed.

Going through books to fill in the Subconcepts as I go. (This section will be wiped when I am done).
Saga Edition Core Book - Up to Force adept p214.



(Brief description of where to find info).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • DOCTOR. You are trained in the medical arts and how best to preserve life. You know your way around the ship's med-bay and how to use the latest equipment. You could be a surgeon, a psychologist or even one that bio-sculpts bodies for perfection. (Medicurg in Coriolis p45).
  • INFORMATION BROKER. So, you might not be academically trained, and you may conduct business in the shadows more like an operative, but your business is to know what is important. You know how to get a hold of information that others are willing to pay a lot of credits for. It is your memory, guile and smarts in dealing with people that might set you apart from the infiltrators and spies.
  • SCHOLAR. You are simply well read in many areas or are a font of knowledge in specialist areas, such as combat tactics.
  • SCIENTIST. Whilst you are likely a master in a particular field, you are trained to look at the world in a very methodical way. You constantly make and adjust your hypotheses and make decisions based upon the evidence before you. (Concept in Coriolis p44).



Concept Skills:

  • DOCTOR. Manipulation, Medicine, Observation, Science.
  • INFORMATION BROKER. Culture, Manipulation, Observation, Sense Emotion.
  • SCHOLAR. Computer Use, Culture, Observation, Science.
  • SCIENTIST. Computer Use, Observation, Science, Survival.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Learned

And any 2 of your choice from the following:

  • Contacts
  • Medical
  • Mental Toughness
  • Support



(Brief description of where to find info).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • ARTIST. You capture the stunning landscapes, unique alien life or maybe the simple things around the galaxy. Your art is visual, but could be photography, holo-vids, painting, sculpture or some other form of unique art. (A concept in Coriolis p30).
  • COURTESAN. You specialise in the art of pleasure. You could be a companion, a dancer, or simply one known in important social circles and often invited to important events. (Coriolis p31).
  • HOLO-VID STAR. People may know you from holo-vids. You may be an actor in movies or a news reporter. Perhaps you have developed your own series of instructional vids?
  • MUSICIAN. You are skilled in the use of an instrument and can play music that people like to hear. (Coriolis p31).
  • ORATOR. You could be a famous singer or poet: whatever you vocation, people hang on your every word. (Poet in Coriolis p31).
  • STREET PERFORMER. You may be part of a travelling side-show, a street peddler relying upon the generosity of the public, or a court-appointed jester for an important personage. Whatever position you hold, your job is to use tricks, illusions, stunts and humour to keep your audience's attention.



Concept Skills:

  • ARTIST. Computer Use, Culture, Dexterity, Observation.
  • COURTESAN. Culture, Dexterity, Manipulation, Sense Emotion.
  • HOLO-VID STAR. Computer Use, Culture, Infiltration, Manipulation.
  • MUSICIAN. Culture, Dexterity, Manipulation, Infiltration.
  • ORATOR. Culture, Infiltration, Manipulation, Sense Emotion.
  • STREET PERFORMER. Culture, Dexterity, Manipulation, Muscle.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.
Any 3 of your choice from the following:

  • Adaptable
  • Charisma
  • Contacts
  • Mobility
  • Trickery



You have a connection to the Force that has not been honed by the Jedi Academy (and are thus not trained in the use of lightsabers). You could be a spiritualistic shaman of a tribe, a lone nexus of the Force or a member of another Force tradition. You connection to to the Force is often seen as more mystical, supernatural or magical. Force adepts are more likely to select the subtle Control and Sense Force Talents and Powers over the Alter ones. (Prestige class Saga Edition Core Rulebook p212).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • PROPHET. You could be a known oracle, a tribal seer or a loner that randomly offers 'advice' to others. You can sense when things are not right and whether certain courses of action will be favourable. Others likely look to you for guidance. (Coriolis p43).
  • SHAMAN. You converse with the spirits of the land and possibly ancestors of your people. You are regarded as a font of wisdom to your people. You could be the connection between your people and their gods. You likely call your use of the Force magic.
  • WITCH. You are simply different. You command supernatural powers that most cannot explain. Perhaps you have joined a group consisting of others with such powers (like the Witches of Dathomir). Either way, it is likely that the common people of your homeworld fear your power.



Concept Skills:

  • PROPHET. Force Use, Manipulation, Observation (substitute with the Scry skill if using Mutant: Genlab Alpha), Sense Emotion.
  • SHAMAN. Culture, Force Use, Medicine, Survival.
  • WITCH. Command, Force Use, Manipulation, Medicine.

You begin play with the Force Sensitive Entry Edge.
You have access to any 3 of the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to:

  • Alter Force (Star Wars specific)
  • Awareness
  • Beast
  • Control Force (Star Wars specific)
  • Divine
  • Any Elemental
  • Fortune
  • Medical
  • Mental Toughness
  • Plant
  • Sense Force (Star Wars specific)
  • Support



(Thanks a lot to Kaeam from the Free League forums (and Twitter @Kaeam_) who produced the main template for the Jedi, from which I worked).
Mystical warrior-monks who use the Force to bring peace and justice to the Galaxy. You were trained in the use of the Force and follow the Light side tradition. You are also trained in the use of lightsabers - in the hands of others, this weapon is very hard to control. (Class in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p38).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • CONSULAR. You seek to solve problems through diplomatic means, only drawing your lightsaber as last resort. (Talent Tree in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p39).
  • GUARDIAN. You have honed your martial skills to protect innocents. (Talent Tree in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p40).
  • HEALER. You use your powers to help those in need and preserve life at all costs.
  • SENTINEL. You seek out and actively hunt agents of the Dark Side. You are more likely to use stealth and subtlety than a guardian, though you are a trained combatant nonetheless. (Talent tree in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p40).

REPUTATION: +2 or -2 (Depending upon the era played).


Concept Skills:

  • CONSULAR: Command, Culture, Force Use, Manipulation.
  • GUARDIAN: Dexterity, Force Use, Melee Combat, Muscle.
  • HEALER: Force Use, Medicine, Observation, Sense Emotion.
  • SENTINEL: Endurance, Force Use, Melee Combat, Observation.

Choose from the list or use your imagination.

  • Face: Wise eyes, padawan braid, serene expression, proud gaze.
  • Clothing: Hooded robe, loose tunic, flowing cape, civilian clothes.

You begin play with the Force Sensitive Entry Edge.
You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Lightsaber

And any 3 of your choice from the following:

  • Alter Force (Star Wars specific)
  • Awareness
  • Combat Training
  • Control Force (Star Wars specific)
  • Fighting Style - Defender (Jedi can replace any reference to shields with their lightsaber for this style).
  • Fighting Style - Dual-Wielder
  • Fighting Style - Unfettered
  • Fighting Style - Weapon Specialty
  • Learned
  • Medical
  • Mental Toughness
  • Mobility
  • Sense Force (Star Wars specific)

Choose from the list or use your imagination.

  • You have trouble controlling your emotions and are in risk of falling to the Dark Side.
  • Your master (or padawan) died because of your actions. Their death still haunts you.
  • You are seen as a firebrand by the more conservative members of your Order due your belief that the Jedi should take more active role in the Galaxy.

Choose from the list or use your imagination.
… would make a good Jedi. Too bad that they aren't Force-sensitive.
… allows their emotions affect them too much. You fear that they will fall to the Dark Side one day.
… isn't impressed by your sorcerer's ways and your sad devotion to an ancient religion. You will show them that everything is insignificant next to the power of the Force.
… almost makes you want to abandon the Jedi Code. Almost.

You begin play with this gear. Pick one from each row.

1 Lightsaber or Double-bladed lightsaber
2 Communicator (III) or Personal holograph
3 Security tablet or Tabula
4 Vulcan cricket or Reinforced robes (armor rating 1)
5 Training droid or Holocron



(Noble from Saga Edition Core Rulebook p42 filled this role & included a Leadership Talent Tree).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • AGITATOR. You seek change and are not afraid to let others know. You may be a Rebel leader who cannot use open diplomacy, the leader (or at least instigator) of a revolt, or even a new government official doing what is necessary to bring your region under control. (Coriolis p37).
  • DIPLOMAT. You seek amiable solutions that benefit the majority. You prefer wise words over weapons. (Coriolis p37).
  • OFFICER. You are used to being in command. You have likely been in charge of a small military unit, but now that may be a ragtag bunch of rebels. Trained troopers are used to to deferring to your command when the lasers start flying. (Coriolis p49, though moved from Soldier to here).



Concept Skills:

  • AGITATOR. Command, Culture, Infiltration, Manipulation.
  • DIPLOMAT. Command, Culture, Manipulation, Sense Emotion.
  • OFFICER. Command, Culture, Observation, Ranged Combat.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.
Any 3 of your choice from the following:

  • Charisma
  • Combat Training
  • Commander
  • Contacts
  • Intimidation
  • Mental Toughness
  • Support

Being a leader you could choose to have a Language Modulator (Cybernetic, Coriolis) in place of your starting talent.



You are a specialist and a professional. Whilst a lot of your work may be done in the shadows you love the notoriety and apprehension your reputation brings. People may sweat at the mention of your name (or alter-ego) without even recognising you in person. All sorts of organisations employ operatives, from Rebel spies, to Hutt assassins and Imperial inquisitors. Whilst you may be employed by someone operating within the law, your activities rarely do. Then there are the bounty hunters that hire themselves to whoever pays the best. (Coriolis p19).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • ASSASSIN. You simply make people disappear. You likely have a modi operandus that people come to fear. (Coriolis p39).
  • BOUNTY HUNTER. You track fugitives or enemies of your employer: sometimes to kill, but just as likely to be taken alive. You could be a guild member, an operative for an organisation or a lone shark. Unlike many other operatives, bounty hunters rely upon reputation and presence to make a living. (Prestige class Saga Edition Core Rulebook p207).
  • INFILTRATOR. You know how to get into places without being seen.
  • INVESTIGATOR. You likely worked for some security company or police force as a detective. You seek out the necessary clues to lead you to your goal.
  • SPY. You likely work for the Imperials or the Rebels, though you might be backed by a smaller network from the underworld such as the Hutts. You have to walk the fine line between opposing forces whilst appearing to be friendly to both. (Coriolis p39).



Concept Skills:

  • ASSASSIN. Dexterity, Infiltration, Melee Combat, Ranged Combat.
  • BOUNTY HUNTER. Melee Combat, Observation, Ranged Combat, Survival.
  • INFILTRATOR. Dexterity, Infiltration, Observation, Technology.
  • INVESTIGATOR. Infiltration, Manipulation, Observation, Sense Motive.
  • SPY. Computer Use, Infiltration, Manipulation, Sense Motive.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Stealthy

Any 3 of your choice from the following:

  • Awareness
  • Combat Training
  • Contacts
  • Delver
  • Fighting Style - Brawler
  • Fighting Style - Marksmanship
  • Fighting Style - Slayer
  • Fighting Style - Unfettered
  • Fighting Style - Weapon Specialty
  • Intimidation
  • Mobility



You and your chosen vehicle are as one. You feel truly alive when in the driver's seat, the cockpit or the bridge. Whilst most people can drive and fly, to you it is second nature. You think nothing of attempting stunts others would not dream of. If it comes to conflict, all passengers wish for a true pilot in charge. (Coriolis p38).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • CAPITAL SHIP PILOT. You were one of many workers on a large ship. It is unlikely you still work on that ship, but you know your way around other capital ships and space stations.
  • DRIVER. Your work is done on the surface of planets. You could drive for prospectors or other conglomerate corporations seeking a buck, local law enforcement, or for resurgents fighting an endless revolution. You know the short cuts and how to get the best out of your vehicle. You are often on your own away from civilization for extended periods of time so tend to be self-sufficient. (Coriolis p41).
  • FIGHTER PILOT. You are an 'Ace', confident and probably cocky about your abilities: you have to be. You have been trained to for combat where every mission could be your last. You have likely learned to handle starfighters due to the backing of a large organisation, so think about where you got these skills, though you may not work for them now. (Coriolis p41).
  • FREIGHTER PILOT. An easy area to get work, you took up flying all sorts of desperadoes around the galaxy. Passengers of transports, traders hauling goods, or smugglers seeking to avoid the law - there are many opportunities for a good freighter pilot. (Coriolis p41).
  • RACER. You have the need for speed. You make a living by beating others, likely on a vehicle or ship you have heavily modified yourself.



Concept Skills:

  • CAPITAL SHIP PILOT. Computer Use, Pilot, Ranged Combat, Technology.
  • DRIVER. Pilot, Ranged Combat, Survival, Technology.
  • FIGHTER PILOT. Computer Use, Pilot, Ranged Combat, Technology.
  • FREIGHTER PILOT. Computer Use, Muscle, Pilot, Technology.
  • RACER. Computer Use, Dexterity, Pilot, Technology.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Vehicle Operation

Any 2 of your choice from the following:

  • Advanced Tech
  • Combat Training
  • Fighting Style - Artillery
  • Tinker



You are a rogue and possibly outlaw. You are likely to operate outside the law or fight against it, though you probably came to be in this position more organically than a trained operative. You crave a life of excitement and adventure, often just for the hell of it. You have a knack for getting into and out of trouble. You have an instinct for self-preservation, though many a scoundrel has a heart of gold underneath their no-care attitude. Just as many are nasty through and through though, out there to look out for 'Number One'.

Possible sub-concepts:

  • CON-ARTIST. You deal with people and know how to manipulate them to get what you want. You could be in the business of attaining sensitive information, but you rely upon more open methods than a spy and more personal means that an information broker. You simply go straight to the source and talk people around.
  • CRIMINAL. You know how to get a job done or find credits by any means, or find someone who can. Your contacts in the underworld and lack of moral compass means that you operate outside the law. You could work alone or for a crime syndicate such as the Black Sun or Hutts. (Coriolis p35).
  • GUNSLINGER. You rely upon your reputation as much as your skills. Though you do not develop one without the other. Duels and fire-fights might be more like a game for you: a chance to show off your skills. Not only can you make those good shots, you do it with flair and panache.
  • PIRATE. You make a living by flying the space lanes and taking from others.
  • REVOLUTIONARY. You have a heart of gold and whilst others may see you as an outlaw, you go by your own moral compass. In times of oppression, the people need you to stand up for what is right. (Coriolis p35).
  • SALVAGER. You ply the space lanes taking what others have discarded. You live by the motto, 'One spacer's trash is another spacer's treasure.' You find usefulness in all kinds of junk, but sometimes you might have to take what you want from others, because you want it more, right? You also know where to take your salvage and how to strike a good deal when trading it.
  • SMUGGLER. You move illegal or restricted goods: it is that simple. You spend your whole life working towards not being caught. You probably run an 'above board' operation as a front to your nefarious activities.



Concept Skills:

  • CON-ARTIST. Culture, Manipulation, Observation, Sense Motive.
  • CRIMINAL. Dexterity, Infiltration, Manipulation, Melee Combat.
  • GUNSLINGER. Dexterity, Observation, Ranged Combat, Sense Motive.
  • PIRATE. Command, Melee Combat, Pilot, Ranged Combat.
  • REVOLUTIONARY. Dexterity, Infiltration, Observation, Ranged Combat.
  • SALVAGER. Observation, Manipulation, Pilot, Technology.
  • SMUGGLER. Observation, Manipulation, Pilot, Stealth.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.
Any 4 of your choice from the following:

  • Adaptable
  • Awareness
  • Charisma
  • Combat Training
  • Contacts
  • Fighting Style - Brawler
  • Fighting Style - Marksmanship
  • Fighting Style - Unfettered
  • Fortune
  • Intimidation
  • Mobility
  • Stealthy
  • Thievery
  • Trickery
  • Vehicle Operation



You are a trained and skilled combatant. You combine discipline with military skills. (Coriolis p48; Class in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p50).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • COMBAT MEDIC. You have combat training, but your best worth to your squad is to keep each member fighting fit. You know how to operate with minimal equipment. You look after your allies' morale as much as physical well-being.
  • COMMANDO. You are often sent in as the vanguard, first into enemy territory. You strike first and hard. (Soldier Talent Tree Saga Edition Core Rulebook p52).
  • GUARD. You protect the people from criminal activity or a facility from intruders. Whatever it is you do, you are expected to give your life for what you protect. Perhaps you failed in your duty and have left service, but cannot let go of that protective nature. (Coriolis p39).
  • MERCENARY. Quite simply, you fight for money (and reputation, which gets you more money). You could be a member of an elite squad, a tough bounty hunter, or just a lone gun-for-hire. You pride yourself on a job well done. (Coriolis p49).
  • NCO. You are a Non-Commissioned Officer. You were not trained for leadership, you took the roll due to your courage under fire, the support of your fellow soldiers or indomitable willpower.
  • TROOPER. You have been trained as part of a corps. You could be an escaped Stormtrooper, a regular Rebel soldier or a member of any other standing army. You are often referred to as a 'grunt' or 'regular' and know that your life will be put on the line first - that is why you have to be the best. (Legionnare in Coriolis).



Concept Skills:

  • COMBAT MEDIC. Endurance, Manipulation, Medicine, Ranged Combat.
  • COMMANDO. Endurance, Observation, Ranged Combat, Survival.
  • GUARD. Melee Combat, Muscle, Observation, Ranged Combat.
  • MERCENARY. Melee Combat, Manipulation, Muscle, Ranged Combat.
  • NCO. Command, Endurance, Melee Combat, Ranged Combat.
  • TROOPER. Endurance, Melee Combat, Muscle, Ranged Combat.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Combat Training
  • Any 1 Fighting Style

And any 3 of your choice from the following:

  • Armor Specialist
  • Any other Fighting Styles
  • Intimidation
  • Medical
  • Mental Toughness
  • Survivor
  • Toughness



(Brief description of where to find info).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • ENGINEER. You are more than a simple 'fix-it' guy. You are expertly trained in an area of expertise and have quite possibly designed things such as droids, weapons, life-support systems or even whole vehicles or ships. You don't just jury-rig a damaged ship, you redesign things so that the same problem does not repeat. (Coriolis p47, though this is more like the 'head engineer' referenced there).
  • GADGETEER. You are a tinkerer. You work with any small device, from everyday items like fusion lanterns, to droids, or even power cufflinks from bulk freighters. If it is broken, you can likely fix it - at least for a little while - or if not, turn it into something else. (Technician in Coriolis p45).
  • MECHANIC. You work with moving parts. Whilst you may not be too good on the electrical side of things, you know how engines and reactors work. Your skills are mainly used to keep ships and vehicles operational. (More like the Engineer from Coriolis p47).
  • SABOTEUR. You are an expert with explosives. This often requires patience and infiltration acumen to set the explosives correctly. You could be a rogue expert, the demo-guy on a mining gang, the bomb engineer in a military squad, or just someone that loves to see things blow up.
  • SLICER. You are a whiz with your computer and searching the Holo-net. When people need access to systems, they come to you.



Concept Skills:

  • ENGINEER. Computer Use, Command, Observation, Technology.
  • GADGETEER. Computer Use, Dexterity, Observation, Technology.
  • MECHANIC. Muscle, Observation, Pilot, Technology.
  • SABOTEUR. Dexterity, Infiltration, Ranged Combat, Technology.
  • SLICER. Computer Use, Manipulation, Observation, Science.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Advanced Tech OR Tinker.

And any 2 other Talent Trees from the following:

  • Adaptable
  • Advanced Tech
  • Armor Specialist
  • Combat Training
  • Delver
  • Fighting Style - Artillery
  • Fighting Style - Weapon Specialty
  • Tinker
  • Vehicle Operation



You are strong and have used that strength to make your way in the galaxy. Security is often an easy way for a tough to make a living, so is lifting cargo in the various ports and cargo bays. You might actually be a somewhat professional, such as a boxer or pit fighter. At the other end of the the spectrum are toughs that use their presence as stand-over men or hired thugs. Tribal warriors that excel at melee combat also fit this archetype.

Possible sub-concepts:

  • BRAWLER. You may be a professional boxer or wrestler, but more than likely, you are a scrapper that simply likes to get up close and personal with your enemies. You would rather settle things with fists than blasters. (Soldier Talent Tree Sage Edition Core Ruelbook p52).
  • DOCK WORKER. You probably started in one of the busy spaceports, but somewhere along the way were recruited to oversee the cargo bay of a freighter. You have put your size to use shifting cargo and it has allowed you to travel the galaxies. Every now and then, when the crew's deal does not go to plan, you get to use your muscle too. (Coriolis p47).
  • ENFORCER. You could be a guard, some noble's heavy or even a corporation's stand-over or debt collector. It is likely you are no longer employed by your initial employer, but your straight-forward nature has value.
  • THUG. You are an unsophisticated person that simply lives by the standard, 'Might is right.' You take what you want from whoever you want - well those that don't go to the correct lengths to protect what is theirs. This is likely your past anyway. Even if you have moved on from a criminal-like lifestyle, you still have ways of getting what you (or your allies) want.
  • WARRIOR. You were simply raised to fight - probably through necessity. You may be from a tribal society where it was expected that you could hunt and fight or someone that has turned to life in the wilds. Fighting is just part of survival for you, not a trained profession like soldiers.



Concept Skills:

  • BRAWLER. Dexterity, Endurance, Melee Combat, Muscle.
  • DOCK WORKER. Dexterity, Endurance, Muscle, Technology.
  • ENFORCER. Manipulation, Melee Combat, Muscle, Observation.
  • THUG. Dexterity, Infiltration, Melee Combat, Muscle.
  • WARRIOR. Melee Combat, Muscle, Ranged Combat, Survival.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

  • Fighting Style - Brawler
  • Toughness

And any 2 of your choice from the following:

  • Combat Training
  • Fighting Style - Crushing & Cleaving
  • Fighting Style - Slayer
  • Fury
  • Intimidation
  • Survivor
  • Vehicle Operation



(Brief description of where to find info).

Possible sub-concepts:

  • BEAST HUNTER. You may be a big-game hunter seeking trophies and fame or just someone that must hunt for your people to survive. Maybe you grew up hunting for food, but your skills transfer well into hunting down sentient life too.
  • DECKHAND. You have seen a lot of things and been to a lot of places and you will do any job to keep travelling the galaxies. Someone has to take care of the little things on the ship. You have likely worked as a cook, aide to the captain, apprentice to the mechanic, or even the janitor. (Coriolis p47).
  • EXPLORER. You like to go where others dare not or have not been before. You may love travelling the space lanes or eagerly get planet-side to travel with ground vehicles or on foot. You might try to master or work with the environment. Perhaps you are a prospector for a large company or you might do so just for the thrill of it. (Prospector in Coriolis p51).
  • FRINGER. You love to travel to the so-called 'backwaters of the galaxies'. You are at home in strange towns on strange planets among strange aliens. You tend to get along with anyone and can find what you are looking for wherever you are. You rarely have ties that bind you, constantly jumping on transports bound for another Outer-Rim planet. (Similar to Colonist in Coriolis p51; Scout Talent Tree in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p49).
  • SCOUT. You could be a self-reliant lone wolf and hire yourself out to whoever needs to go into the wilderness on any given planet. You might also be assigned to a military unit or at least have worked with troops before. You might just be a native that knows how to survive the wilds on a harsh planet. (Coriolis p51; Class in Saga Edition Core Rulebook p48).
  • TRADER. You travel anywhere to scheme and deal for anything with anyone to make a profit. Though, unlike smugglers, you generally keep your nose clean and have a good head for numbers and business acumen. (Peddler in Corriolis p37).



Concept Skills:

  • BEAST HUNTER. Endurance, Observation, Ranged Combat, Survival.
  • DECKHAND. Culture, Dexterity, Manipulation, Muscle.
  • EXPLORER. Endure, Observation, Pilot, Survival.
  • FRINGER. Culture, Endurance, Manipulation, Observation.
  • SCOUT. Infiltration, Observation, Ranged Combat, Survival.
  • TRADER. Culture, Manipulation, Observation, Pilot.

You have access to the following Talent Trees and begin play with one Talent (or Entry Edge) chosen from any you have access to.

Any 4 of your choice from the following:

  • Adaptable
  • Awareness
  • Beast
  • Charisma
  • Combat Training
  • Contacts
  • Delver
  • Fighting Style - Marksmanship
  • Fighting Style - Slayer
  • Plant
  • Stealthy
  • Survivor
  • Vehicle Operation

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