Last 3 Edits
May 29th, 2023
- Added B&B stats for krish.
Dec 23rd, 2022
- Added new B&B stats for several species on the Species page.
April 19th, 2020
- Added 5E D&D stats for nikto.
Obviously, all species found in the Star Wars universe are available in our games. I have merely created this page to include conversions I have done so far. More will be added in time, or by request.
General Info on Species for 5E D&D
For full game details of any drawbacks listed below, you will need to go to our Drawbacks Page. We use assigned drawbacks in our games, but if you are running your own games feel free to ignore them.
General Info on Species & the Cypher System
Species serves as a character's Descriptor, however, if you wish to combine with a regular Descriptor, see our Cypher System House Rules page to see how to do so.
General Info on Species & the Year Zero Engine (used for Coriolis)
We are using the Coriolis version of the Year Zero Engine system for these species.
During the times of the Empire, or other universe-spanning governments that do not seem to value alien life as much as humans, all alien species halve their starting Reputation (from Upbringing).
Many species have access to Talent Trees and start with talents and flaws, for which you will need to view the pages where those subsystems are discussed.
Talents page
Drawbacks page. (Called flaws for YZE).
Assigned Skills listed below, must be paid for from your starting skill dice, but they also become 'concept skills' and can therefore be raised to a total of 3 dice at creation. (Non-concept skills can only be raised to 1 at creation).
Key Attributes work exactly like Concept ones, however, you can still only raise 1 of these attributes to 5 (or higher for some species). Basically, this might provide you with a choice for which attribute you would like to rise to 5 (or higher).
Attribute Adjustments usually indicate a maximum an attribute can be taken to. These override concept 'Key Attributes'. So even if this score is a key attribute, it cannot be raised to 5 if a lower maximum is indicated here. For Maximums above 5, a character can raise their score to this maximum, but can still only have one Attribute of 5 or higher.

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide p199
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p9. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Advozse Cypher System
- Tough skin: +1 to Armor.
- Hardy: +2 to your Might pool.
- Stocky: -2 to your Speed pool.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes act as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Meat Allergy: If you consume meat, it acts as a level 2 non-life-threatening poison in your system.
- Skill: You are trained in perception tasks. Being on edge all the time has its advantages.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks. Advozse are hardy and adapted to their harsh homeworld.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks having to do with losing sanity. Being so pessimistic, Advozse expect the worst.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Aleena Cypher System
- Fast and Nimble: +4 to your Speed pool.
- Small: -4 to your Might Pool.
- Energy Boost (2 Might points): You gain an asset for any Speed roll. Aleenas' metabolism allow them to burn a lot of energy in a short amount of time, giving them a significant boost to their reflexes, agility and speed.
- Skill: You are trained in Speed defense rolls. Your small size, quick reflexes and agility help you to avoid all physical attacks.
- Inability. Any Might-based task to move something, or resist movement yourself, has its difficulty moved one step to your detriment.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Aqualish Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
- Amphibious. Aqualish can breathe air and water.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. Your large, dark eyes have adapted to the dim conditions of the deeps.
- Languages. Basic, Aqualish.
- Swim. You also have a swim speed of 30ft.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
The three subraces of aqualish do not like each other.
Aqualish Subraces
Aquala Traits
- Improved Swim Speed. Your swim speed increases to 50ft. Aquala have fins instead of hands.
Typical Aquala Drawbacks
- Belligerent (Major). It is customary and expected social behaviour for an Aqualish to be pushy and forceful upon first meeting others.
- Outsider (Minor). Applies to all non-aquatic encounters.
- Fins (Major). This is the same as the All-Thumbs flaw. Aquala do not have hands and find it difficult manipulating most items.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to an aquala, you choose one of the following. Endurance, Insight, Intimidation, or Perception.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to an aqualish character, you select one aqualish racial feat. In place of a racial feat, an aquala character may select the Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Quara Traits
- Swamp Born. You ignore movement penalties for swamp and marsh difficult terrain.
Typical Quara Drawbacks
- Belligerent (Major). It is customary and expected social behaviour for an Aqualish to be pushy and forceful upon first meeting others.
- Cocky (Minor). The Aquala despise the Quara for giving all Aqualish a reputation as thugs. As a Quara, you have a very forceful personality.
- Outsider (Minor). Applies to all non-aquatic encounters.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to a quara character, you choose one of the following. Endurance, Insight, Intimidation, or Perception.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to a quara character, you select one aqualish racial feat. In place of a racial feat, a quara character may select the Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Ualaq Traits
- Exceptional Vision. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve sight. You have 4 highly-adapted eyes with separate eyelids for light an dark conditions.
Ualaq Drawbacks
- Belligerent (Major). It is customary and expected social behaviour for an Aqualish to be pushy and forceful upon first meeting others.
- Outsider (Minor). Applies to all non-aquatic encounters.
- Soft-Skin (Major). The Ualaq's aquatic skin has become more amphibian-like, and without the pressure of the deeps has become a vulnerability.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to an ualaq character, you choose one of the following. Athletics, Endurance, Insight, Intimidation, or Perception.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to an ualaq character, you select one aqualish racial feat.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Aqualish |
Ambusher (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Use this entry for the subspecies that have hands (Quara & Ualaq), as opposed to fins (Aquala).
Aqualish Characteristics
- Resistant: +2 to your Might Pool.
- Unwise: -2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Aquatic: You can breathe underwater and suffer no movement or attack penalties whilst in water.
- Healthy: Add 1 to the points you regain when you make a recovery roll.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting. Underwater, they count as two assets for low-light spotting. An Aqualish's large eyes amplify light.
- Skill: You are trained in perception tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in swimming tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of all pleasant social interaction tasks with other species is increased by one step. Aqualish are belligerent and it is expected behavior for them to be pushy and forceful when meeting others.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Arcona Characteristics
- Tough skin: +1 to Armor.
- Heat-Vision & Scent: Each of these two heightened senses act as an asset for perception tasks when dealing with targets in short range. (Targets gain no benefit from cover versus these checks due to your heightened sense of smell).
- Claws: You have claws that can be used as light weapons and you are practised in their use. Your claws also act as an asset for digging tasks.
- Salt Weakness: The ingestion of salt acts as the intake of alcohol for other species. You become intoxicated after consuming small amounts, and continued ingestion leads to addiction.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks. Arcona are adapted to their harsh homeworld.
- Inability: The difficulty of all perception tasks and ranged attacks made against targets at long range and beyond is increased by one step for you. Arcona's multi-facetted eyes see distant objects as a blur.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Arcona Characteristics
- Starting Talents: Darkvision, Rugged, Spatial Awareness (scent), Tough Hide.
- Starting Flaws: Short-Sighted (Minor - Observation penalties only apply beyond Short range too). If you eat salt, you must make a successful Wits roll or you get the Addiction (Minor - salt) flaw.
- Claws: You have claws that can be used as weapons (stats Coriolis p130) and add +2 to any Muscle attempts made to dig.
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Baragwin Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Wits.
- Attribute Adjustments: Agility maximum 3.
- Assigned Skills: Endurance 1, Technology 1.
- Starting Talents: Empath (scent), Pack Mule, Spatial Awareness (scent), Tough Hide.
- Starting Flaws: All-Thumbs (Major), Slow (Major), Ungainly (Minor).
- Bonus Equipment: A number of items equal to your Wits attribute that you start with, have been modified for use for your hands and for those you do not suffer the All-Thumbs penalty. Tool kits are usually the first item modified, followed by weapons.
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Besalisk Characteristics
- Hardy: +2 to your Might Pool.
- Multiple Arms: You are able to hold up to four items and once, and can draw 1 item per round as part of another action. If you have nothing in your hands, your multiple limbs act as an asset for climbing, swimming, grappling and escaping grapples.
- Insulating Down: Your feathery covering acts as an asset when making rolls to reduce damage or avoid the effects from the cold.
- Store Food: You can last twice the normal time before you need to make checks to resist the effects of thirst or starvation. Your body's ability to store consumables also counts as an asset when making checks to avoid the effects of starvation or thirst.
- Inability: The difficulty of Speed Defense rolls is one step higher for you. This is due to your cumbersome build.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Bith Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Charisma by 1.
- Micro-Vision. You have advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks. All weapon ranges beyond 30 feet are reduced to 30 feet for you. Bith have exceptional close-range vision but poor vision at range.
- Keen Smell. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) rolls that rely on smell and do not take penalties to tracking due to poor vision.
- Meditative Trance: Bith do not need to sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply, remaining semiconscious, for 4 hours a day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. (This does not change the number of long rests you can benefit from in a 24 hour period).
- Learned. You start with one proficiency from those listed under 'Bonus Proficiencies' below.
- Sonic Vulnerability. You have disadvantage on saving throws to resist sonic/thunder damage and you double any such damage that you take.
- Languages. Basic, Bith.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Bith Drawbacks
- Weak (Minor) OR Unco-ordinated (Minor) OR Delicate (Minor). Whilst mentally superior, bith are not as physically robust as other species.
- Although it is not assigned to all bith, many would have the Civilian (Major) drawback as they are known as pacifists.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a bith, you select one of the following: Astrophysics, Computers, Investigation, Lore, Mechanics, Medicine, Performance, Xenobiology, one set of artisan's tools, one musical instrument group, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Bith |
Devoted (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Bith |
Impenetrable Mind (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Bith Characteristics
- Very Intelligent: +4 to your Intellect Pool.
- Weak: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Micro-Vision & Scent: Each of these two heightened senses act as an asset for perception tasks when dealing with targets in immediate range. (Targets gain no benefit from cover versus these checks due to your heightened sense of smell).
- Meditative Trance: You do not need to sleep. You simply enter a meditative trance for rest, during which time you retain awareness of your surroundings.
- Skill: You are trained in one artistic or intellectual skill of your choice.
- Inability: The difficulty of all perception tasks and ranged attacks made against targets at long range or beyond, is increased by one step for you. Bith's super senses are for focusing on details and features up close, not at range.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Bothan Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Slight Build: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks. Bothans are known to be strong-willed.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks that involve the gathering of information, whether from people, archives/libraries or computers.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bothan Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility.
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 4.
- Starting Skills: Manipulation 1.
- Starting Talents: Iron Will, Street Smart.
- Starting Flaws: Curious (Minor), Feeble (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed
Bothan Abilities
- Ability that starts at d8: Agility. Wild Card Bothans also begin with a d8 in one other ability from the following choices: Deception, Perception, Persuasion, Status, Stealth or Will.
- Double the Advancement cost at character creation to raise: Athletics, Vigor & Warfare or any of their Specialties at character creation. (This does not affect Advances after character creation).
- Languages: Auto start with d8 in Bothese & Basic. Other languages must be purchased as separate Abilities.
- Talent Tree Access: You gain free access to the Mental Toughness & Spy/Information Broker Talent Trees.
Bothans gain 5 extra Advances to spend on the following Specialties:
- (Agility): Balance, Contortions, Dodge, Quickness
- (Deception): Bluff
- (Knowledge): Streetwise
- (Perception): Insight, Notice, Search
- (Persuasion): Bargain, Convince
- (Smarts): Cunning, Memory
- (Status): Lineages, Reputation
- (Stealth): Blend In, Hide, Sleight of Hand, Sneak
- (Technical): Computers
- (Will): Concentrate, Co-ordinate, Spirit
Racial Traits
- Curious Hindrance: Bothans begin with this hindrance.
- Defended Mind: Advantage on all Smarts or Will-based rolls to resist tricks, fear, intimidation, mind-affecting powers and psychic damage. (This applies to any attempt to make a Bothans behave in a manner it would not wish to). Bothans train to withstand interrogations and giving up information.
- Spy Network: Make Knowledge (Streetwise) with Advantage. Bothans typically know a lot between the SpyNet, their connections and their inquisitiveness.
Racial Drawbacks
- Slender: -1 Toughness and to Athletics die for the purpose of determining encumbrance. Bothans are smaller and less robust than most Size +0 creatures.

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Cerean Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence and Wisdom scores increase by 2.
- Intuitive Initiative. You start with the Alert feat. Despite a general lack of co-ordination, a Cerean’s reaction speed is superior to that of most other species.
- Binary Brain. You have advantage on all saving throws to avoid being charmed, frightened or stunned.
- Languages. Basic, Cerean.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Cerean Drawbacks
- Unco-ordinated (Minor). Cereans are less co-ordinated than other species.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a cerean, you select one of the following: Astrophysics, Computers, Insight, Lore, Perception, Xenobiology, one set of artisan's tools, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Cerean |
Impenetrable Mind (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Cerean Characteristics
- Intelligent: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Unco-ordinated: -2 to your Speed Pool.
- Dual-Brains: Having two brains counts as an asset for all Intellect defense rolls. A cerean's binary brain protects them from mental intrusion.
- Skill: You are trained in initiative tasks. Cereans have great intuition.
- Skill: You are trained in one knowledge skill of your choice. (Common choices: include astrogation, cryptography, economics)
- Skill: You are trained in tasks that require puzzle solving and logic.
- Inability. Cereans are not known for their co-ordination. The difficulty of tasks requiring balance or careful movement are increased by one step.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Cerean Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Wits.
- Attribute Adjustments: Wits maximum 6.
- Starting Talent Trees: Learned
- Starting Talents: Intuitive, Iron Will.
- Starting Flaws: Clumsy (Minor).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Legacy Era Campaign Guide p210.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p31. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Chadra-Fan Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Charisma by 1. Your Strength score is reduced by 2.
- Exceptional Senses. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill and due to your keen hearing, sight and sense of smell, have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. Chadra-fan have adapted to underground conditions.
- Jury-Rig: You have proficiency in the Mechanics skill. If you work on a device over 1 hour can change its function. This becomes a one use item or it only works for up to 24 hours in the altered manner.
- Less Sleep: Due to your fast metabolism, you only need to sleep for 2 hours to gain the benefits of what a human would get for 8 hours sleep. (This does not change the number of long rests you can benefit from in a 24 hour period).
- Chadra-fan Nimbleness. You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than you.
- Languages. Basic, Chadra-Fan.
- Pheromones. You can communicate basic feelings with other chadra-fan within 30 feet.
- Size. Small.
- Speed. Base speed is 25 feet.
Chadra-fan Drawbacks
- Weak (Minor or Major) OR Unwise (Minor) OR Delicate (Minor). Chadra-fan are small and delicate and often not too tuned in to the intentions of others.
- Communal (Minor). Chadra-fan do not like being isolated at all.
- Gullible (Minor). Chadra-fan tend to be so easy going and see the positive side in all things. This means they can be taken advantage of easier.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a chadra-fan, you select one of the following: Acrobatics, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, or one set of artisan's tools, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Chadra-fan |
Exceptional Nimbleness (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Chadra-fan |
Light Frame (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Chadra-fan |
Shifty (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Chadra-Fan Characteristics
- Energetic: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Small: -4 to your Might Pool.
- Darkvision: Your eyes provide two assets for low-light spotting. Chadra-fan can see in all but complete darkness.
- Exceptional Senses: Your heightened senses count as an asset for perception tasks. Chadra-Fan have excellent vision, hearing and scent.
- Fur: Your fur counts as an asset when making checks to reduce the damage or effects from the cold.
- Tinker: You can reassemble a device to make it do something it was not intended to do, such as turning a blaster into a grenade. The effective level of the device is one level lower than normal. Unlike the tier feature, use of this ability takes at least an hour - longer for devices larger than yourself. Chadra-fan are notorious for pulling apart devices and putting them back together again. Droids should be especially nervous around them.
- Communal: Chadra-fan do not operate well alone. All defense rolls made without an ally that can be seen and within short range, has the difficulty increased by one step. Each day spent in isolation, you must make an Intellect defense roll or move one step down the condition track. The roll is made at the same time recovery dice are regained and the difficulty starts at level 1 and increases cumulatively for each additional day spent in isolation (resetting when a day is spent around others).
- Skill: You are trained in stealth. Chadra-fan are small, move quietly and have adapted to their underground homes.
- Skill: You are trained in all positive social interactions. Chadra-fan are cheery and exuberant to the point that they tend to like everyone they meet.
- Inability. Any Might-based task to move something, or resist movement yourself, has its difficulty moved one step to your detriment.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Chadra-Fan Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility.
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 3.
- Assigned Skills: Observation 1, Infiltration 1.
- Starting Talent Trees: Physical- Small
- Starting Talents: Darkvision, Exuberant, Flyweight, Gearhead, Thick Fur.
- Starting Flaws: Communal (Minor), Gullible (Minor), Weakling (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Legacy Era Campaign Guide p10.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p32. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Chagrian Characteristics
- Strong: +2 to your Might pool.
- Cumbersome: -2 to your Speed pool.
- Amphibious: You can breathe underwater.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes provide an asset for low-light spotting.
- Radiation Resistance: Your physiology acts as an asset when making rolls to resist the effects of radiation. In addition you have Armor +3 versus radiation damage.
- Skill: You are trained in positive social interactions. Chagrians have accepting natures, enjoy interactions with other species and make loyal companions.
- Skill: You are trained in swimming tasks.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Chiss Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and one ability of your choice increases by 1.
- Insightful. You gain proficiency in the Insight skill. Chiss are very observant and their thermal vision helps them 'read' faces.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Your vision is thermal, detecting heat signatures.
- Versatile: You have proficiency one skill of your choice.
- Educated: You gain proficiency in one Intelligence-based skills of your choice.
- Languages. Basic, Cheunh.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Chiss Drawbacks
- Cautious (Minor). Chiss are cautious and their strict code of conduct forbids them to attack an enemy unless they are attacked first.
- Outsider (Minor). Chiss society is xenophobic and individuals are usually cautious around other species.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a chiss, you select one of the following: Astrophysics, Computers, Intimidation, Investigation, Lore, Mechanics, Medicine, Performance, Xenobiology, or one group of musical instruments, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Chiss |
??? (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Chiss Characteristics
- Intelligent: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Mental Acuity & Driven: Each day, choose one skill that you believe will clearly help you reach your goal. You are trained in tasks relating to that skill.
- Thermal Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting. Chiss have thermal-based vision allowing them so see in dark conditions.
- Skill: You are trained in one non-physical skill of your choice. This is usually a knowledge skill or one based upon intellectual training.
- Inability. The difficulty of initiative tasks are increased by one step for you. Chiss are cautious and their strict code of conduct forbids them to attack an enemy unless they are attacked first.
- Inability: The difficulty of all pleasant social interaction tasks with other species is increased by one step. Chiss society is xenophobic and individuals are usually cautious around other species.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Defel Characteristics
- Claws: Your claws act as light weapons with which you are practised.
- Exceptional Senses: You are considered to have an asset in perception tasks, including scent, out to short range, which eliminates any penalties that might apply due to cover of the targets.
- Wraith: In normal light, your fur grants you an asset to speed defense rolls. In low-light or darkness this increases to two assets and applies to stealth checks too. Only in very bright light (such as direct sunlight) does a defel lose these features. Defel fur absorbs all light except for ultraviolet, making them appear shadowy in visible light.
- Skill: You are trained in discerning people's true motives or seeing through lies. Defel are honorable to a fault and do not associate with liars.
- Inability: You can only see in the ultraviolet spectrum. You must wear special goggles/visors to see in normal light. Without your goggles/visors, you are blind.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
The male and female of the Devaronian species vary considerably.
Female Devaronian Characteristics
- Wise: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Skill: You are trained in deception tasks, as well as seeing through deceptions and lies.
- Skill: You are trained in one knowledge skill of your choice.
Male Devaronian Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Skill: You are trained in all actions that involve overcoming or ignoring the effects of fear or intimidation.
- Skill: You are trained in intimidation and deception tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of all pleasant social interaction tasks with other species is increased by one step. Devaronians tend to be greedy, terse and basically show little concern for the welfare of others.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Dressellian Characteristics
- Hardy: +2 to your Might pool.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks. Dresselians are known to be defiant.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks to resist the effects of toxins, poison, disease and radiation.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with species other than Bothans and fellow Dressellians is increased by one step. Dressellians are generally self-serving, quick to anger and wary of other species.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Dressellian Characteristics
- Assigned Skills: Endurance 1.
- Starting Talent Trees: Mental Toughness.
- Starting Talents: Iron Will, Never Surrender.
- Starting Flaws: Outsider (penalties do not apply to Bothans either).
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Core Rulebook p185.
Upgrades & Improvements for Droids
All of your rules features gained should be explained through improvements, though your heuristic processor can also 'develop'. If you wish to add any tools or systems to your droid character, work with the GM to decide how this occurs. Typically you need to pay for the parts and these can be integrated (usually at the cost of XP).
Droid Systems & Accessories are detailed in the Saga Edition Core Book p188.
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
All droids have the following starting features as well as those specific to their degree.
Droid Characteristics
- Chassis: +1 to Armor. You are made of metal.
- Behavioural Inhibitor: Droids (other than 4th-degree) cannot intentionally harm a sentient living being or knowingly allow a sentient living being to be harmed. Furthermore, all droids must follow orders given to them by their rightful owners, as long as those orders don't require the droid to harm a sentient living being.
- Limited Recovery: Resting (shutting down or 'plugging in') restores points only to your Intellect Pool, not to your Might or Speed Pools.
- Mechanics, Not Medicines: Conventional healing methods, including the vast majority of restorative devices and medicines, do not restore points to any of your Pools. You can recover points to your Intellect pool only by resting and you can recover points to your Might and Speed Pools only through repair. The difficulty of the repair task is equal to the number of points of damage the person doing the repairs wishes to restore. This typically takes an hour to perform but can be rushed in one action by increasing the difficulty level by 2. You can only benefit once from a rushed repair until you are damaged again. Repairing your Might and Speed pools are always two different tasks.
- Machine Vulnerabilities and Invulnerabilities: Damaging effects that rely on an organic system - poison, disease, cell disruption, and so on - have no effect on you. Neither do beneficial drugs or other effects. Conversely, things that normally affect inorganic or inanimate objects affect you, as can effects that disrupt machines, such as ion damage.
- No Force Access: You cannot manipulate the Force and therefore cannot have supernatural features (those associated with Magic or Psionics that are allowed in this setting). Do not choose such features from your Type.
- Inability: Your chassis is equipped with wheels or clumsy legs. All movement rolls (such as to move a long distance on your turn) are increased by one difficulty level.
1st-Degree Droids
Typical Roles: medical, biological science, physical science, mathematics
Example Models: 1-2B Medical, DD-13 Medical Assistant, EW-3 Midwife, IM-6 Medical, SP-4 Analysis
1st-Degree Driod Characteristics
- Superintelligent: +6 to your Intellect Pool.
- Slight Builds: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Vocabulator: You are able to communicate using Basic. (Not all start with this).
- Specialised Programming: You are specialised in one knowledge skill or other skill that is related to the typical roles listed above.
- Inability: The difficulty of Might tasks is increased by one step.
2nd-Degree Droids
Typical Roles: mechanics, repairs, technical, piloting, engineering, environmental, exploration, astrogation
Example Models: Astromechs (R2, P2), G2 Maintenance Droid, LE Series Repair, Pit
2nd-Degree DroidCharacteristics
- Focussed: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Tool Package: You begin with inbuilt tools that act as assets for all repairs.
- Technical Training: You are trained in 3 areas of expertise. Choose from ideas listed under Typical Roles above.
- Inability: You can only speak binary. You can try to convey your ideas through beeps and clicks, but all interaction rolls are made at two difficulty levels higher.
- Inability: The difficulty of all Speed defense rolls is increased by one step.
3rd-Degree Droids
Typical Roles: protocol, service, child care, diplomacy, interpreting, teaching, social sciences
Example Models: 3PO Series Protocol, 5YQ Series Protocol, EV Series Supervisor
3rd-Degree Droid Characteristics
- Intelligent: +4 to your Intellect Pool.
- Rigid Chassis: -2 to your Might and Speed Pools. You have a humanoid appearance, but your locomotion is limited.
- Vocabulator: You are able to communicate using Basic. (If a protocol droid, then you have been programmed in all forms of communication).
- Programmed to Please: The difficulty of all positive social interaction tasks is decreased by one step. You cannot make intimidation checks.
4th-Degree Droids
Typical Roles: assassination, combat/battle, security, gladiators
Example Models: B1 Series Battle, B2 Series Super Battle, Droideka Series Destroyer, Dwarf Spider, Crab, IG-100 Series Bodyguard, Viper Series Probe, HK Series Assassin, BCA-11/X Lightsaber Practice, IG-86 Sentinel
4th-Degree Droid Characteristics
- Tough chassis: +1 to Armor (which stacks with the above Droid feature).
- Mobile Servos: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- No Behavioural Inhibitor: You have no restrictions on targeting sentient living beings and are free to act as you please (though most battle droids are still under the control of their owners).
- Vocabulator: You are able to communicate using Basic if you choose. Not all 4th-degree droids start with this.
- Accuracy Programming: Your programming acts as an asset for all ranged attack rolls. (B1 Series Battle droids obviously don't have this feature ;)).
5th-Degree Droids
Typical Roles: labor, utility, menial/low-skilled tasks, transortation, mining
Example Models: ASP Series Labor, CLL-6 Binary Load Lifter, FA-5 Valet, IW-37 Pincer Loader
5th-Degree Droid Characteristics
- Tough chassis: +1 to Armor (which stacks with the above Droid feature).
- Simple Processors: -4 to your Intellect Pool.
- Strong Servos: +4 to your Might Pool.
- Specialised Servos: Your servos act as assets for all Might-based manual labor tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks relating to carrying, moving and breaking inanimate objects.
- Inability: You can only speak binary. You can try to convey your ideas through beeps and clicks, but all interaction rolls are made at two difficulty levels higher.
- Inability: The difficulty of all Intellect tasks is increased by one step.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Clone Wars Campaign Guide p10.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p50. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
> ++ Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Dug Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
- Arboreal. You have a climbing speed of 30 feet.
- Natural Athlete. You have proficiency in the Athletics skill.
- Lightning Reflexes: Dugs have advantage on Dexterity saving throws.
- Adversarial: You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
- Languages. Dug. Most dugs don't bother to learn Basic even though they are capable of speaking it.
- Size. Small.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Dug Drawbacks
- Weak (Minor) OR Frail (Minor) OR Anti-Social (Minor or Major) OR Insensitive (Minor). Whilst wiry strong, dugs are still only 1 metre tall and thin of build. They are also known to be rude and crude and don't consider other creatures' feelings.
- Belligerent (Minor). The dug's reputation for violence and bullying is well-deserved. Most are adversarial, preferring to solve problems through intimidation and hostile acts.
- Outsider (Minor). Few people interact well with dugs for they are known as xenophobic bullies.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a dug, you select one of the following: Acrobatics, Endurance, Intimidation, Stealth, or one set of artisan's tools, or one vehicle group.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Dug |
Ambusher (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Dug |
Battle Ready (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Dug |
Exceptional Nimbleness (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Dug |
Jungle Dweller (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Dug |
Light Frame (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Dug Characteristics
- Agile: +4 to your Speed Pool.
- Small: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Skill: You are trained in Speed defense tasks (including when piloting). Dugs have lightning reflexes.
- Skill: You are trained in climbing tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in jumping actions.
- Skill: You are trained in stealth tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by two steps. Dugs are adversarial, derogatory, selfish, bullying and temperamental. Most don't bother to learn Basic either, though they are capable of speaking it.
- Inability. Any Might-based task to move something, or resist movement yourself, has its difficulty moved one step to your detriment.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Dug Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility
- Attribute Adjustments: Agility maximum 6, Empathy maximum 4
- Starting Skills: Dexterity 1
- Starting Talents: Climber, Flyweight, Sure-Footed
- Starting Flaws: Small (Minor), Violent (Major)
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Duros Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Dexterity by 1.
- Astute Mind. You have advantage on Intelligence checks to solve problems and mathematical formulas. You can also calculate astrogation routes without a computer; if you use a computer you have advantage on the roll.
- Ace Pilot. If you are piloting a vehicle with which you have proficiency you can reroll any check you make to manoeuvre the vehicle. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.
- Gifted Pilot. You have proficiency in one vehicle group of your choice.
- Languages. Basic, Durese.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Duros Drawbacks
- Weak (Minor) OR Delicate (Minor). Whilst agile of mind and body, duros are not a strong or hardy species.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a duros, you select one of the following: Astrophysics, Computers, Mechanics, Persuasion, one set of artisan's tools, one vehicle group, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Duros |
??? (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Duros Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Intelligent: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Slight Build: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Spacer: Your amazing mind counts as an asset for all piloting, astrogation and other mathematical calculation tasks. Stories abound of Duros navigators calculating supposedly impossible astrogation co-ordinates in their heads and making impossible maneuvers in their craft.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Duros Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility or Wits
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 4, Wits maximum 6.
- Assigned Skills: Pilot 1, Science 1
- Starting Talents: Ace, Spacer
- Starting Flaws: Feeble (Major)
Bashed and Borrowed
Duros Abilities
- Ability that starts at d8: Smarts. Wild Card Duros also begin with a d8 in one other ability from the following choices: Agility, Gaming, Knowledge, Technical, or Vehicle Operation.
- Double the Advancement cost at character creation to raise: Athletics, Survival or Vigor or any of their Specialties at character creation. (This does not affect Advances after character creation).
- Languages: Auto start with d8 in Durese & Basic. Other languages must be purchased as separate Abilities.
- Talent Tree Access: You gain free access to the Technician/Tinkerer & Vehicle Operator Talent Trees.
Duros gain 5 extra Advances to spend on the following Specialties:
- (Agility): Dodge, Quickness
- (Gaming): Any
- (Knowledge): Education or any Specialty Study
- (Language): Any
- (Smarts): Cunning, Decipher, Logic, Memory
- (Technical): Computers
- (Vehicle Operations): Starfighters, Transport Ships
Racial Traits
- Ace Edge: Duros begin play with this edge. Duros are regarded as some of the best pilots in the Galaxy
- Astute: Duros gain Advantage on all astrogation rolls (using their minds or computers) and any Smarts roll involving formulas and mathematics.
Racial Drawbacks
- Slender: -1 Toughness and to Athletics die for the purpose of determining encumbrance.

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Feeorin Characteristics
- Very Powerful: +4 to your Might Pool.
- Cumbersome: -2 to your Speed Pool.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in intimidation interactions.
- Inability: Due to your large size, the difficulty of Speed defense rolls is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of any task involving positive interaction is increased by one step for you. Feeorins ranged from impersonal, gruff, self-serving and quick to anger to downright brutal.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Felucian Characteristics
- Tough hide: +1 to Armor.
- Simple: -2 to your Intellect Pool. Felucians live a primitive and secluded life.
- Amphibious: You can breathe underwater.
- Force Use. Choose one Tier 1 ability from the Force Flavor list.
- Hardy: Your wood-like physiology counts as an asset for all Might defense tasks.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes act as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Natural Camoflage: You have an asset to blend into vegetation.
- Primitive: Any benefit you gain from being practised with weapons only applies to primitive weapons at character creation. You have to take separate training in advanced weapons, including blasters, at later tiers.
- Inability: The difficulty of Speed defense rolls is one step higher for you.
- Inability: Due to your mysterious nature, wild mood swings and plant heritage, the difficulty of all positive social interactions with other species is increased by one step for you.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Core Rulebook p26.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p61. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Gamorean Characteristics
- Strong: +2 to your Might Pool.
- Stupid: -2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Fortitude: Add +1 to the points you regain when you make a recovery roll.
- Mighty Strike: When you spend Effort on to increase the damage of a melee attack, you add 4 to your damage instead of 3).
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks.
- Primitive: Any benefit you gain from being practised in weapons only applies to primitive weapons at character creation. You have to take separate training in advanced weapons, including blasters, at later tiers.
- Inability: The difficulty of Speed defense rolls is increased by one step. Gamoreans lack agility.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Gamoreans are brutish, violent and proud. They are also unable to communicate in Basic.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Gand Characteristics
- Exoskeleton: +1 Armor. Gand are covered in hard chitin.
- Wise: +2 to your Intellect pool.
- Darkvision: Your eyes act as two assets for low-light spotting.
- Insect Metabolism: Except for your 1 action recovery, halve the duration required for all other recovery rolls. You still have the same amount of recovery rolls as anyone else, you just don't need to rest as long. This also means you are fully rested after 5 hours.
- Regeneration: Severed limbs can be regrown. To do so, you must spend 10 Might points, but the maximum you can spend per day for this regrowth is 2.
- Inability: You must wear a special breath mask to provide you with ammonia. This mask also contains a vocabulator, allowing you to speak. Without your mask you begin to suffocate and cannot communicate verbally.
- Inability: The difficulty of all Might defense tasks is one step higher for you. Gand are not very robust and absorb toxins through their skin.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Gank Characteristics
- Battle Armor: +2 to Armor. You begin play with mechanised battle armor. This armor is cybernetically fused to you in places and you are practiced in its use.
- Cybernetic Communication: You can communicate silently with all other Ganks within long range.
- Pack Fighter: Any task you perform in combat as part of a cooperative action (see Cypher System Core Rulebook p211) is made at one difficulty step lower.
- Trained Killer: Any time you deal extra damage due to a high die roll, you deal 1 extra point of damage.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks. Ganks are single-minded in the extreme.
- Skill: You are tained in intimidation tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Being renowned as a bloodthirsty, violent killer has its drawbacks.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Gank Characteristics
- Starting Talent Trees: Combat Training
- Starting Talents: Body Armor (Cybernetic Implant), Com Link (Cybernetic Implant), Pack Hunter.
- Starting Flaws: Outsider (Minor), Threatening (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Clone Wars Campaign Guide p181.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p64. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Stats below are for the warrior caste.
Geonosian Characteristics
- Tough: +2 to your Might pool.
- Simple: -2 to your Intellect pool.
- Exoskeleton: +1 to Armor.
- Flight: As a move action you can fly a short distance.
- Limited Radiation Resistance: Your physiology acts as an asset when making rolls to resist the effects of radiation. In addition you have Armor +1 versus radiation damage.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Geonosians tend to be contemptuous of other species.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Gotal Characteristics
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes act as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Sense Energy: Your head cones act as an asset to sense the emotional state, determine motivations and see through deceptions of sentient living creatures with short range.
- Spatial Awareness: You ignore cover and concealment penalties to perception tasks to perceive living sentient creatures within short range. Unless a target can mask its emotions, it is easy prey for a Gotal.
- Power Cell Sensitivity: You lose access to all other Gotal abilities and skills (except Low-Light Vision) if there is an operating power cell within immediate range. This typically represents the power cells required for droids to operate. Smaller cells, such as those for weapons, have no effect on your abilities. Likewise, large power cells, such as generators extend the range to short or even long, depending upon their size and signals.
- Skill: You are trained in initiative tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in positive social interactions. Being sensitive to others' feelings, Gotals tend to be polite and rarely speak negatively.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p15.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p68. (d20)
- Wookieepedia Entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Gran Characteristics
- Darkvision: Your eyes count as two assets for low-light spotting. Gran have three eyes that can focus very well and are adapted to dark conditions.
- Precise Vision: Your eyes provide an asset when making ranged attacks at long range or beyond, and when targets have cover.
- Skill: You are trained in positive social interactions. Gran are highly sociable, friendly, loyal and hospitable.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks involving sensing others' emotions, discerning dispositions, and getting a hunch about the people around you.
- Inability: The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls is increased by one step. Gran are eager to get along and lack will-power.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Gran Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Empathy.
- Assigned Skills: Manipulation 1, Observation 1, Sense Emotion 1.
- Starting Talent Trees: Awareness
- Starting Talents: Darkvision, Precision Aim.
- Starting Flaws: Communal (Minor), Weak-Willed (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Gungan Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Not Astute: -2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Excellent Hearing: Your ears act as an asset to perception rolls where hearing is relevant.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes act as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Hold Breath (0+ Might points): You can hold your breath for twice as long as other species before you have to make checks to avoid drowning. You can extend this time by 1 minute for every point of Might you spend.
- Skill: You are trained in Speed defense tasks. Gungans have quick reflexes and an uncanny ability to avoid danger.
- Skill: You are trained in swimming tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of all pleasant social interaction tasks with other species is increased by one step. Gungans are typically cautious and suspicious of other species.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
- Starting Talent Trees: Adaptable
- Starting Talents: Any 2 from the Talent Trees you have access to, or you may select Entry Edges to gain access to more Talent Trees.
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition Clone Wars Companion Guide p12.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p75. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Iktotchi Characteristics
- Tough skin: +1 to Armor.
- Limited Precognition: You can use points from your Intellect Pool when applying Effort to Speed defense rolls. This feature can be used when piloting to reduce the chance of the craft being hit.
- Premonition (2 Intellect points): As an action, you learn one random fact about a creature or location that is pertinent to a topic you designate. Alternatively, you can learn a creature's level; however, if you do so, you cannot learn anything else about it later with this ability.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks. Iktotchi are hardy and adapted to their harsh homeworld.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Iktotchi are quiet and introspective and have trouble forming friendships due to their stoic disposition and impatience with other species.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Iktotchi Characteristics
- Starting Skills: Endurance 1, Pilot 1.
- Starting Talents: Precognitive, Rugged, Scrying Ritual (an Entry Edge), Tough Hide.
- Starting Flaws: Socially Inept (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Ishi Tib Characteristics
- Smart: +2 to your Intellect pool.
- Amphibious: You can breathe underwater.
- Beak: You can bite with your beak as a medium weapon and you are practiced in its use.
- Frenzy (2 Intellect points): If you take damage in combat, you can enter a state of rage. While in this state, you can't use points from your Intellect Pool, but you gain +1 to your Might Edge and your Speed Edge. This effect lasts for as long as you wish, but ends if no combat is taking place within range of your senses. Enabler.
- Skill: You are trained in puzzle-solving tasks and other tasks that involve strategy and planning. Ishi Tib are patient, meticulous and highly organised perfectionists.
- Skill: You are trained in swimming tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of Speed defense tasks is one step higher for you. Your skin dries and cracks, limiting your movement. This inability can be removed temporarily (until the end of your next 10 hour recovery) by submersing yourself in salt water.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Ithorian Characteristics
- Wise: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Slow: -2 to your Speed Pool.
- Bellow (4+ Might points): You can deal damage to 1d6+2 creatures in a group starting with the closest target and spreading in a cone shape out to a maximum of Short range. You open all four throats that delivers a terrible subsonic bellow. This is a Might attack that deals 4 points of damage, +1 point of damage per extra point of Might spent after the initial 4.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense rolls. Ithorians have strong willpower.
- Skill: You are trained in all tasks involving identifying or using natural plants.
- Skill: You are trained in pleasant social interactions. Ithorians are very personable and deliberate thinkers.
- Inability: The difficulty of any Speed defense roll is increased by one step. Ithorians are not agile.
- Inability: The difficulty of running tasks (such as trying to move a long distance on your turn) is increased by one step.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Ithorian Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Wits or Empathy.
- Starting Talents: Bellow (this operates exactly the same as the Force Power, Force Slam, except you expend HPs instead of FPs, the damage is sonic based, and Bellow is not considered a Force power), Biologist, Iron Will.
- Starting Flaws: Lumbering (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Jawa Cypher System
- Dexterous: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Small: -4 to your Might Pool.
- Darkvision: Your eyes provide two assets in low-light spotting.
- Droid Disabler: You add 2 to any ion dmage that you deal. Furthermore, when you use devices against droids, such as restraining bolts they operate at 1 level higher. Jawas are masters at adapting devices and weapons to disable droids.
- Jury-Rig: You can reassemble or fix any device in half the time necessary. The device ceases to work if a '2' is rolled on the dice when using it.
- Cowardly: The difficulty of all attack rolls is increased by one step if you do not have an ally that you can see within immediate range of you.
- Skill: You are trained in stealth. Jawas are small, move quietly and are used to sneaking up on targets.
- Skill: You are trained in all actions involving using, repairing and crafting machines.
- Inability: The difficulty of all running tasks is increased by one step for you. Jawas have short legs and awkward gaits.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Jawas do not speak Basic, are known swindlers and smell.
- Inability. Any Might-based task to move something, or resist movement yourself, has its difficulty moved one step to your detriment.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Kaminoan Characteristics
- Intelligent: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Resistant: Due to scientific refinements of your genetic code, you are considered to have an asset and +2 armor versus environmental effects, such as poison, radiation, disease and other hazards that target your physiology.
- Skill: You are trained in one knowledge skill or profession-based skill of your choice. Because they are genetically designed, Kaminoans are bred to fulfill a specific role or niche.
- Inability. The difficulty of Speed defense tasks is increased by one step when made to avoid melee attacks. Though graceful, Kaminoans' elongated bodies make for easy targets.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Kel Dor Characteristics
- Quick: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Wise: +2 to your Intellect pool.
- Poor Constitution: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Low-Light Vision Goggles: Your goggles count as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Skill: Due to your connection with the Force, you are trained in determining the motives of other creatures within short range.
- Inability: You must wear special goggles and a breath mask. Without your goggles you are blind; without your breath mask you begin to suffocate.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Kel Dor Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility or Wits.
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 4.
- Starting Talents: Force Sensitive (an Entry Edge), Low-Light Vision
- Starting Flaws: Frail (Minor), Sustenance Requirement (Minor - without your goggles you are blind (as Major flaw), Sustenance Requirement (Minor - without your antiox breath mask you suffocate).
- Bonus Equipment: You start with special atmospheric goggles, an antiox breath mask, and 2 spare filters for the mask.
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Kerkoiden Characteristics
- Cunning: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Unfit: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Predatory: You deal 2 extra points of damage on attacks if at least one ally has dealt damage to the same target since your last turn.
- Skill: You are trained in all social interactions. Kerkoidens have shifted many of their predatory instincts over into the social arena. They can be pushy, devious, and persuasive.
- Inability: The difficulty of running tasks are increased by one step for you. Kerkoidens are not naturally fit and have short legs.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Kerkioden Characteristics
- Starting Talents: Pack Hunter, Social Cunning.
- Starting Flaws: Slow (Minor), Unfit (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition Legacy Era Campaign Guide p13.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p89. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Klatooinian Characteristics
- Tough: +2 to Might pool.
- Simple: -2 to Intellect pool. The Hutts have shielded the Klatooinians from progressive thinking and they are slow to figure things out on their own.
- Heat Resistant: Your physiological adaptations count as an asset when you make Might rolls made to reduce the effects of heat. You also have 2 Armor versus damage that would normally be taken for heat exposure, sunstroke and thirst. Neither of these bonuses apply to direct and sudden heat such as fire or lava damage.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks. Whilst simple, Klatooinians are resolute and serve their masters with dogged determination and loyalty.
- Illiterate: You cannot read or write. The Hutts frown upon the Klatooinians learning too much (lest they learn about their own ancient texts). Klatooinians even speak Huttese, having long forgotten their own language.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Klatooinians are used to serving and being told what to do.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Klatooinian Characteristics
- Attribute Adjustments: Wits maximum 4.
- Starting Skills: Endurance 1
- Starting Talents: Iron Will, Rugged
- Starting Flaws: Loyal (Minor), Illiterate (Minor), Dullard (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed
Klatooinian Abilities
- Ability that starts at d8: Vigor. Wild Card Klatooinians also begin with a d8 in one other ability from the following choices: Athletics or Survival.
- Double the Advancement cost at character creation to raise: Deception, Knowledge, Perform, Persuasion, Smarts, Status, or Technical or any of their Specialties at character creation. (This does not affect Advances after character creation).
- Languages: Auto start with d8 in Huttese. Other languages must be purchased as separate Abilities.
- Talent Tree Access: You gain free access to the Endurance/Stamina Talent Tree.
Klatooinians gain 5 extra Advances to spend on the following Specialties:
- (Athletics): Climb, Jump, Strength
- (Fighting): Brawling, Heavy Blades
- (Language): Basic
- (Survival): Forage, Hunt, Orientation
- (Vigor): Resilience, Stamina
- (Will): Concentrate, Spirit
Racial Traits
- Defended Mind: Advantage on all Will-based rolls to resist tricks, fear, intimidation, mind-affecting powers and psychic damage. (This applies to any attempt to make a Klatooinian behave in a manner it would not wish to, such as turning on the Hutts). Whilst simple, Klatooinians are resolute, loyal and serve with a dogged determination.
Racial Drawbacks
- Clueless (major) Hindrance: The Hutts have shielded their servants from progressive thinking.
- Illiterate Hindrance: Their Hutt overlords frown upon Klatooinians that know too much (including how to read, just in case they discover their own ancient texts).
- Loyal Hindrance: Klatooinians are loyal and resolute to a fault, especially to their Hutt masters.
- Slave: The typical Klatooinian is a slave of the Hutts and thus begins with no dice in Status. A player may choose to play a free Klatooinian and can start with a d4 in Status. Increases from here are payed for normally, (not forgetting it costs double for Klatooinian characters to raise Status) and there are no bonus Advances for starting with a reduced Status.

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p93. (d20)
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Kubaz Characteristics
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Lasat Characteristics
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Mon Calamari Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Wisdom by 1.
- Amphibious. Mon calamari can breathe air and water.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. Your large, dark eyes have adapted to the shallow waters too.
- Brave. Mon calamari gain advantage on saving throws to resist the frightened condition.
- Languages. Basic, Mon Calamarian.
- Swim. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.
- Perceptive: You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Mon Calamari Drawbacks
- Frail (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). Mon Calamari tend to have quite frail physiques.
- Honorable (Minor). Mon calamari do not like achieving through underhanded tactics and deception. They are dreamers and idealistic.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a mon calamari, you select one of the following: Astrophysics, Computers, Lore, Mechanics, Xenobiology, or one set of artisan's tools, one vehicle group, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Mon calamari |
Determined (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Mon calamari |
Devoted (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Mon calamari |
Impenetrable Mind (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Mon Calamari Characteristics
- Smart: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- All-round Vision: Your large eyes on the side of your head count as an asset for perception tasks where sight is relevant.
- Aquatic: You can breathe underwater and suffer no movement or attack penalties whilst in water.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting. Underwater they count as two assets for low-light spotting. A Mon Calamari's large, eyes amplify light.
- Inability. You have a frail physique and soft skin. All Might defense rolls are increased by one level of difficulty for you.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Mon Calamari Abilities
- Ability that starts at d8: Smarts. Wild Card Mon Calamari also begin with a d8 in one other ability from the following choices: Knowledge, Perception, Technical, Warfare.
- Double the Advancement cost at character creation to raise: Coercion, Vigor or any of their Specialties at character creation. (This does not affect Advances after character creation).
- Languages: Auto start with d8 in Mon Calamarian & Basic. Other languages must be purchased as separate Abilities.
- Talent Tree Access: You gain free access to the Awareness & Technician/Tinkerer Talent Trees.
Mon Calamari gain 5 extra Advances to spend on the following Specialties:
- (Knowledge): Education, Research or any Specialty Study
- (Language): Quarrenese
- (Perception): Notice
- (Smarts): Cunning, Decipher, Logic
- (Technical): Electronics, Mechanics
- (Vehicle Op): Capital Ships
- (Warfare): Command, Strategy, Tactics
- (Will): Co-ordinate
Racial Traits
- Aquatic: Cannot drown. Have a swim speed equal to Pace. Advantage on Athletics (Swim) checks. +2 attacks in the water vs non-Aquatic creatures.
- Defended Mind: Advantage on all Smarts or Will-based rolls to resist tricks, fear, intimidation, mind-affecting powers and psychic damage. (This applies to any attempt to make a Mon Calamari behave in a manner it would not wish to).
- Determined: When pitted against a single opponent in any endeavour, the Mon Calamari gains a +1 to all opposed rolls vs that opponent. This does not include rolls made to resist a caster's power.
- Low Light Vision: Ignore attack penalties for Dim and Dark lighting. A Mon Calamari's large eyes amplify light.
Racial Drawbacks
- Dehydration: Must immerse self in water at least 1 hour per day. If not done an Aqualish must make a Vigor (Stamina) roll or gain a level of Fatigue. All fatigue penalties are lost after immersion for 1 hour.
- Slender: -1 Toughness and to Athletics die for the purpose of determining encumbrance.

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Nagai Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 4, Agility maximum 6.
- Starting Skills: Dexterity 1, Manipulation 1
- Starting Talents: Charming (Entry Edge), Quick, Weapon Bond (with Light Blades, Entry Edge)
- Starting Flaws: Frail (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Nautolan Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Dexterity by 1.
- Amphibious. Nautolans can breathe air and water.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. Your large, dark eyes have adapted to the dim conditions of the deeps.
- Languages. Basic, Nautila.
- Swim. You have a swim speed of 30 feet.
- Pheromone Sensors: Advantage on Wisdom (Insight) rolls against targets within 5 feet. (This extends to 30 feet underwater). A nautolan's head tendrils 'read' pheromones.
- At Home in the Deeps. Adapted to even the most extreme ocean depths, you have resistance to cold damage, and you ignore any of the drawbacks caused by a deep, underwater environment.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Nautolan Drawbacks
- Dullard (Minor) OR Unwise (Minor). Nautolans rely too much upon instincts and their mental state is easily affected by those around them.
- Loyal (Minor). Nautolans are loyal and steadfast companions.
- Outsider (Minor). Applies to all interactions with non-aquatic creatures.
- Pheromone sensors (Racial Minor Flaw): If another creature within 5 feet of you displays a strong emotion, such as fear, anger or hatred, you must make a DC 10 Wisdom save or replicate that emotion. (This extends to 30 feet underwater). This often means taking on background flaws, drawbacks or a condition such as Frightened temporarily, or even abiding by the restrictions of something like a barbarian's rage. The absorption of pheromones through the head tendrils can cause unwanted chemical changes. This is why a nautolan's mood often replicates the strongest emotion around them.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a nautolan, you select one of the following: Acrobatics, Endurance, Insight, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion, one musical instrument group, or one language.
There are no subraces for the generic nautolan race, though in a setting where there are many, cultural ones could be generated.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Nautolan |
Rubbery Hide (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
- Rubbery Hide: +1 Armor. The pressure of the deeps and their thick rubbery hides make Nautolans tougher than most.
- Flexible: +2 to your Speed pool.
- Aquatic: You can breathe underwater and suffer no movement or attack penalties whilst in water.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting. Underwater, they count as two assets for low-light spotting. A Nautolan's large, dark eyes amplify light.
- Pheromone Reading: Being able to read pheromones provides an asset to tasks involving sensing emotions, discerning dispositions, and getting a hunch about people within immediate range. This goes out to short range in water. A Nautolan's head tendrils 'read' pheromones.
- Inability. Due to pheromones influencing your behaviour, you are more vulnerable to powers that affect your mood. The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls to resist changing your state of mind are increased by one step.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Nautolan Characteristics
- Assigned Skills: Endurance 1
- Attribute Adjustments: Wits maximum 4.
- Starting Talents: Aquatic (an Entry Edge), Empath, Low-Light Vision, Pheremones, Tough Hide, Water Breathing.
- Starting Flaws: Dullard (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Weak-Willed (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Neimoidian Characteristics
- Shrewd: +2 to you Intellect Pool.
- Slight: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Infrared Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting. A Neimoidian's eyes are super-sensitive and see into the infrared spectrum.
- Skill: You are trained in deception.
- Skill: You are trained in any action taken to escape danger, flee from a dangerous situation, or wheedle your way out of trouble. This does not apply to dodging damage, but to pro-actively removing yourself from a situation. Although their trained soldiers may not be as craven, Neimoidians have a predisposition towards cowardice.
- Skill: You are trained in etiquette and interaction tasks when dealing with the social elite.
- Inability: The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls is increased by one step. Though smart, when it comes down to it, Neimoidians are weak-willed.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Nelvaanian Characteristics
- Hardy: +2 to your Might Pool.
- Simple: -2 to your Intellect Pool. Nelvaanians have lived secluded lives and have had little chance to develop intellectually or interact with standard technologies.
- Acute Senses: You are considered to have an asset for any perception task. Due to your heightened sense of smell, you eliminate any penalties that might apply due to cover of the targets within short range.
- Fur: Your fur acts as an asset for checks made to reduce the damage or effects from the cold.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes provide an asset for low-light spotting.
- Primitive: Any benefit you gain from being practiced in weapons only applies to primitive weapons at character creation. You have to take separate training in advanced weapons, including blasters, at later tiers.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks relating to hunting and tracking.
- Skill: You are trained in stealth tasks.
- Inability: The difficulty of all communications tasks is increased by one step for you, unless the other creature can understand your language. Nelvaanians typically only know their own language.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Nelvaanian Characteristics
- Starting Skills: Infiltration 1, Survival 1
- Starting Talent Trees: Survivor
- Starting Talents: Low-Light Vision, Spatial Awareness (scent), Thick Fur
- Starting Flaws: Uneducated (Minor), Primitive (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Nikto Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
- Ferocious. If you deal damage to a target on full hit points with a weapon attack, you can use your bonus action to repeat the attack.
- Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
- Languages. Nikto and Huttese or Basic.
- Eye Membranes. Your vision is not inhibited by blowing sand or snow or when underwater.
- Fearless: You have advantage on saving throws against the frightened condition.
- Natural Survivor. You are proficient in the Survival skill.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
There are a number of subspecies of nikto. Through mutations, each has adapted to its home environment.
Nikto Subraces
Also known as forest nikto.
Green Nikto Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Natural Foliage Climber. You have advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb trees and other natural flora.
- Keen Senses. You have ear fins that help you to listen keenly as well as help temperature regulation. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve hearing or scent.
- Natural Athlete. You are trained in the Athletics skill. Green nikto are strong climbers in particular.
- Claws. Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.
Typical Green Nikto Drawbacks
- Socially Inept (Minor) OR Dull (Minor). Nikto tend to be easily led and weak-minded. Their ferocity can also be a hindrance in social interactions.
- All-thumbs (Minor). Green nikto have clawed fingers suitable for climbing, but not manipulating small devices.
- Outsider (Minor). Many nikto can be a little abrasive in demeanor and some find their unblinking stare unsettling.
- Weak Mind (Major). All nikto are known for their lack of free will and thinking. They fall in with other, stronger-minded species, like Hutts, that often take advantage of nikto.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to a green nikto, you choose one of the following. Acrobatics, Endurance, Intimidation, Nature, or Perception, any one weapon group proficiency, or one language.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to a green nikto character, you select one nikto racial feat. In place of a racial feat, a nikto character may select the Resilient or Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Mountain Nikto Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Mountain Born. You're acclimated to high altitude, including elevations above 20,000 feet. You're also naturally adapted to cold and hot climates, as described in chapter 5 of the 5E D&D Dungeon Master's Guide.
- Keen Hearing. You have ear fins that help you to listen keenly as well as help with temperature regulation. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve hearing.
- Natural Athlete. You are trained in the Athletics skill. Mountain nikto are strong climbers in particular.
Typical Mountain Nikto Drawbacks
- Socially Inept (Minor) OR Dull (Minor) OR Unwise (Minor). Nikto tend to be easily led and weak-minded. Their ferocity can also be a hindrance in social interactions.
- All-thumbs (Minor). Mountain nikto have stubby, clawed fingers suitable for climbing rocks, but not manipulating small devices.
- Outsider (Minor). Many nikto can be a little abrasive in demeanor and some find their unblinking stare unsettling.
- Weak Mind (Major). All nikto are known for their lack of free will and thinking. They fall in with other, stronger-minded species, like Hutts, that often take advantage of nikto.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to a mountain nikto, you choose one of the following. Endurance, Intimidation, or Perception, any one weapon group proficiency, or one language.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to a mountain nikto character, you select one nikto racial feat. In place of a racial feat, a nikto character may select the Resilient or Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Also known as shore-dwelling nikto.
Pale Nikto Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for a number of minutes equal to your Constitution score.
- Good Balance. You do not suffer penalties to Dexterity checks or saving throws made on moving surfaces, such as the deck of a ship.
- Natural Athlete. You are trained in the Athletics skill. Pale nikto are strong swimmers in particular.
Typical Pale Nikto Drawbacks
- Socially Inept (Minor) OR Dull (Minor) OR Unwise (Minor). Nikto tend to be easily led and weak-minded. Their ferocity can also be a hindrance in social interactions.
- Outsider (Minor). Many nikto can be a little abrasive in demeanor and some find their unblinking stare unsettling.
- Weak Mind (Major). All nikto are known for their lack of free will and thinking. They fall in with other, stronger-minded species, like Hutts, that often take advantage of nikto.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to a pale nikto, you choose one of the following. Acrobatics, Endurance, Intimidation, Nature, or Perception, any one weapon group proficiency, water craft vehicles, or one language.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to a pale nikto character, you select one nikto racial feat. In place of a racial feat, a nikto character may select the Resilient or Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Also known as desert nikto.
Red Nikto Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.
- Wasteland Wanderer. You start with this racial feat. You have natural adaptations that make you suitable to desert conditions.
- Natural Endurance. You are trained in the Endurance skill.
Typical Red Nikto Drawbacks
- Socially Inept (Minor) OR Dull (Minor). Nikto tend to be easily led and weak-minded. Their ferocity can also be a hindrance in social interactions.
- Outsider (Minor). Many nikto can be a little abrasive in demeanor and some find their unblinking stare unsettling.
- Weak Mind (Major). All nikto are known for their lack of free will and thinking. They fall in with other, stronger-minded species, like Hutts, that often take advantage of nikto.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to a red nikto, you choose one of the following. Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, or Perception, any one weapon group proficiency, or one language.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to a red nikto character, you select one nikto racial feat. In place of a racial feat, a nikto character may select the Resilient or Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Southern Nikto Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
- Ultra-sonic Tubes. These give you advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that involve listening.
- Natural Endurance. You are trained in the Endurance skill.
Typical Red Nikto Drawbacks
- Socially Inept (Minor) OR Dull (Minor). Nikto tend to be easily led and weak-minded. Their ferocity can also be a hindrance in social interactions.
- Outsider (Minor). Many nikto can be a little abrasive in demeanor and some find their unblinking stare unsettling.
- Weak Mind (Major). All nikto are known for their lack of free will and thinking. They fall in with other, stronger-minded species, like Hutts, that often take advantage of nikto.
Bonus Proficiencies For every minor drawback assigned to a southern nikto, you choose one of the following. Athletics, Intimidation, Nature, or Perception, any one weapon group proficiency, or one language.
Bonus Racial Feat. For each major drawback assigned to a southern nikto character, you select one nikto racial feat. In place of a racial feat, a nikto character may select the Resilient or Tough feat from the 5E D&D Player's Handbook chapter???.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Nikto |
Bloodied Ferocity (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Nikto |
Determined (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Nikto |
Wasteland Wanderer (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Nikto (green) |
Wild Survivor (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Nikto Characteristics
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p185.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p113. (d20)
- Wookieepedia Entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Noghri Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Scent: You have an asset in perception tasks where smell is relevant. This typically extends out to short range, and eliminates any penalties that might apply due to any cover targets might have.
- Skill: You are trained in stealth tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in running actions.
- Primitive: Any benefit you gain from being practiced in weapons only applies to primitive weapons at character creation. You have to take separate training in advanced weapons, including blasters, at later tiers.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by two steps. Noghri are honorable, yet unsociable, intense and completely humourless.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p16.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p114. (d20)
- Wookieepedia Entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Nosaurian Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Horns: You have a ridge of horns along your head that can be used as light weapons and you are practiced in their use.
- Flash of Light (2 Speed points - for blinding only): You can emit light from your mouth. This is mostly used to signal other nosaurians, but it can be used to temporarily blind others. To perform this attack, choose a target within immediate range that can see you. This is a Speed-based attack that blinds the target for 1 round. A nosaurian that uses this ability a lot in one day becomes lethargic. Action for the blinding attack.
- Skill: You are trained in climbing.
- Skill: You are trained at surviving the wilds. This includes locating food, water and shelter, resisting the effects of natural environments, and general knowledge about the flora and fauna familiar to you.
- Inability: Your vision is black and white only. The difficulty of many perception tasks relying upon sight is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Nosaurians can be abrasive, fatalistic, embittered and hold grudges (especially towards humans).
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Pau'an Characteristics
- Charismatic & Wise: +4 to your Intellect Pool.
- Frail: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Authority: When you spend an XP to reroll a check, you can also give some advice to one ally within short range. As long as they can see and hear you, the ally can also make one reroll. Their reroll must be used on their next round and must be used for the task you advised them on, otherwise it is lost. Pau'ans are capable leaders and diplomats.
- Low-Light Vision: You are considered to have an asset for low-light spotting.
- Skill: You are trained in all social interactions.
- Skill: You are trained in one knowledge skill of your choice. The Pau'ans live a long time and value knowledge.
- Inability. Any Might-based task to move something, or resist movement yourself, has its difficulty moved one step to your detriment. Though tall, Pau'ans are very gaunt and unused to manual labor.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Quarren Characteristics
- Aquatic: You can breathe underwater and suffer no movement or attack penalties whilst in water.
- Healthy: Add +1 to the points you regain when you make a recovery roll. Quarren are physically tough, without having pure strength.
- Reserved: Quarren are known as being practical and conservative. They do not like change or anyone that displays overt optimism and idealism. When making checks to resist being charmed, persuaded or having your mind 'changed' you reduce the difficulty by one.
- Low-Light Vision: You are considered to have an asset for low-light spotting.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense rolls. Quarren are typically resilient.
- Inability: The difficulty of all Intellect tasks is increased by one step for you. Quarren are typically lacking in grace and wisdom.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Rodian Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Constitution by 1.
- Heightened Senses. You have advantage on all Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or hearing.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey. You have multi-faceted eyes that can see in all lighting conditions.
- Languages. Basic, Rodese.
- Natural Hunters: You have proficiency in the Survival skill.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Rodian Drawbacks
- Anti-Social (Minor) OR Dullard (Minor) OR Unwise (Minor). Rodians often act before thinking things through and are rude.
- Violent (Minor). Rodians are natural hunters and consider most intelligent life prey. They are often threatening and try to bully others.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a rodian, you select one of the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, , Intimidation, Perception, Stealth, one weapon proficiency group (Simple) or one language (usually Huttese).
There are no subraces for the generic rodian race (though the different clans could certain be done as cultural subraces).
Race |
Feat & Source |
Rodian |
Battle-Ready (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Rodian |
Determined (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Rodian |
Jungle Dweller (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Rodian |
Wild Survivor (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Rodian Characteristics
- Dexterous: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Infrared Vision: Your eyes provide an asset for low-light spotting. A Rodian's eyes are super-sensitive and see into the infrared spectrum.
- Skill: You are trained in perception tasks. Rodians are alert and perceptive.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks relating to hunting and tracking.
- Inability: The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls is increased by one step. Rodian's may be aggressive, but their minds are weak.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Rodian's see other beings as game and are known to be violent and tenacious. All these traits don't endear them to others.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Rodian Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility
- Attribute Adjustments: Wits maximum 4, Empathy maximum 4.
- Assigned Skills: Observation 1, Survival 1
- Starting Talents: Low-Light Vision, Tenacious
- Starting Flaws: Arrogant (Minor), Mean (Major), Overconfident (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed
SAND PERSON (Tusken Raider)
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Sand person Characteristics
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Selkath Characteristics
- Rubbery Hide: +1 Armor. The pressure of the deeps and their thick rubbery hides make Selkaths tougher than most.
- Flexible: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Aquatic: You can breathe underwater and suffer no movement or attack penalties whilst in water.
- Camouflage: Your hide is an asset to stealth tasks when in water.
- Low-Light Underwater Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting when underwater.
- Poison: All Selkath have retractable, poisonous claws. Selkath are too honorable to use such poison on intelligent beings and to do so is illegal in their society. It is a sign of dishonor, or even madness. If used, the poison is of the same level as your tier and reduces the victim one step on the damage track. If your use of the poison is noticed, you dishonor your species and it is likely the Selkath constabulary will come after you. The difficulty level of all positive social interactions with Selkath and other species that understand this will be at two steps higher for you.
- Skill: You are trained in perception tasks when underwater. Out of the water, your senses are not their best. (See below).
- Skill: You are trained in determining the motives and deceptions of other creatures. Selkath are telepathically receptive and have a history of neutrality.
- Inability: The difficulty of Intellect defense tasks made to prevent someone reading your thoughts or change your disposition is increased by one step. Having an open mind is not always an advantage.
- Inability: The difficulty of all perception tasks is raised by one step for you when you are not underwater.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Snivvian Characteristics
- Thick Hide: +1 Armor. You have a thick hairy hide.
- Inventive: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Small: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Darkvision: Your eyes count as two assets for low-light spotting. Snivvians spend a lot of their time below ground on their cold homeworld of Cadomai Prime.
- Insulating Fur: Your fur counts as two assets for rolls made to reduce the damage or effects from the cold.
- Skill: Snivvians are renowned artists. You are trained in one creative skill of your choice: painting, hologram creations, writing, music composition and so on.
- Skill: You are trained in stealth. Snivvians are small, move quietly and have adapted to their underground homes.
- Inability. Any Might-based task to move something, or resist movement yourself, has its difficulty moved one step to your detriment.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Snivvian Characteristics
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 4.
- Starting Skills: Culture 1, Infiltration 1.
- Starting Talents: Darkvision, Spatial Awareness (scent), Thick Fur, Tough Hide.
- Starting Flaws: Sunlight Sensitivity (Minor), Weak (Minor).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: Core Rulebook p31.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p153. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Sullustan Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Frail : -2 to your Might Pool. Sullustans are not as hardy as other species.
- Infrared Vision: Your eyes count as two assets for low-light spotting. A Sullustan's eyes are super-sensitive and see into the infrared spectrum.
- Spatial Memory: If a sullustan has already been somewhere, or already travelled a certain path (including hyperspace lane), then all checks made to return there or repeat the journey have the difficulty reduced by two steps.
- Skill: You are trained in perception tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in climbing tasks.
- Inability: All attacks and perception checks made versus targets in bright light, have the difficulty raised by one step for you. Sullustan's eyes are very sensitive to bright light.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p16.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p153. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Talz Characteristics
- Very Strong & Hardy: +4 to your Might Pool.
- Simple: -2 to your Intellect Pool. Talz have lived secluded lives and have had little chance to develop intellectually.
- Claws: You have claws that can be used as medium weapons and you are practiced in their use.
- Darkvision: Your eyes count as two assets for low-light spotting.
- Insulating Fur: Your fur counts as two assets for rolls made to reduce the damage or effects from the cold.
- Light Immunity: You are never blinded, dazed, stunned or in anyway affected by bright light. (This does not include damage from searing light). Talz have two sets of eyes to operate in darkness and the blinding light of sun on snow.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks relating to hunting and tracking.
- Inability: Your clawed hands have difficulty manipulating objects. The difficulty of any task involving the manipulation of light objects and weapons is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of any task that involves seeing through deceptions or determining someone's secret motive is increased by one step. Talz are gentle, kindhearted and easily deceived.
- Inability: The difficulty of communications tasks is increased by one step for you, unless the other creature can understand your language. Talz can understand Basic, but lack the vocal ability to speak it.
- Inability: The difficulty of Speed defense rolls is one step higher for you. Talz are bulk and easy targets.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p17.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p161. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Togorian Characteristics
- Very Powerful: +4 to your Might Pool. You are muscular with dense bone tissue.
- Impulsive: -2 to your Intellect Pool. Togorians are not very bright, act without thinking and lack learning that is not survival based.
- Feline Reflexes: You are considered to have an asset for initiative tasks.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes are considered an asset for low-light spotting. Your feline eyes are adapted to dim conditions.
- Skill: You are trained in intimidation interactions.
- Inability: Due to your large size, the difficulty of Speed defense rolls is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of any task involving positive interaction is increased by one step for you. Togorians are known to be predatory and aggressive.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Togruta Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
- Spatial Awareness. Your hollow head montrals allow you to sense your surroundings using a passive echolocation. You ignore cover except total cover out to 30 feet radius for Wisdom (Perception) checks.
- Pack Hunter. Once per round, when you make a weapon attack against a target that has taken damage since the end of your last turn, you can deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
- Languages. Basic, Togruti.
- Sneaky. You are proficient in the Stealth skill.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Togruta Drawbacks
- Frail (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). Togruta tend to be more delicate that other species.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a togruta, you select one of the following: Acrobatics, Animal handling, Athletics, Perception, Persuasion, Survival, or one language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Togruta |
Pack Instincts (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Togruta |
Wild Survivor (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Togruta Characteristics
- Agile: +2 to your Speed Pool.
- Delicate: -2 to your Might Pool.
- Pack Hunter: You deal 2 extra points of damage on melee attacks if at least one ally has dealt damage to the same target since your last turn.
- Spatial Awareness: You ignore cover and concealment penalties to perception tasks within short range. Togruta can sense their surroundings using passive echolocation.
- Skill: You are trained in stealth tasks.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Togruta Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Agility.
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 4.
- Assigned Skills: Manipulation 1, Infiltration 1
- Starting Talents: Pack Hunter, Spatial Awareness (passive echolocation).
- Starting Flaws: Delicate (Minor).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Trandoshan Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution by 1.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
- Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A sheild's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
- Languages. Basic, Dosh.
- Limb Regeneration. You regain 1 hit dice following a short rest and 1 extra hit dice following a long rest. Furthermore, you can regrow severed limbs. Following a long rest you can spend hit dice to regrow a minor appendage (such as a finger or toe). You need to spend 10 hit dice in total to regrow an arm or leg. This process must be done over several days as you can only apply a maximum of two hit dice towards this regrowth following each long rest.
- Claws: Your claws deal 1d4 + your Strength modifier slashing damage. They can be used for unarmed strikes. (If you are using our weapon group proficiency house rule, then you are proficient in Natural Weapons group).
- Cold-Blooded. If you take any cold damage, your speed is halved until the end of your next turn.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Trandoshan Drawbacks
- Dullard (Minor) OR Clumsy (Minor) OR Socially Inept (Minor). Trandoshans are powerful but lack agility. They are not interested in lore and are not known for their likable personalities.
- Violent (Minor). Trandoshans are fierce hunters who are brutal and violent.
- All-Thumbs (Minor OR Major). Your clawed hands have difficulty manipulating objects.
- Hatred (Minor): Wookies.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a trandoshan, you select one of the following: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Survival, or one weapon group (Simple).
Bonus Racial Feat. For each racial major drawback you start with, you select one trandoshan racial feat or you can take the Tough feat as a racial feat.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Trandoshan |
Wild Survivor (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Trandoshan Characteristics
- Scaled Hide: +1 Armor. Trandoshans are covered in hard scales.
- Resistant: +2 to your Might Pool.
- Claws: You have claws that can be used as light weapons and you are practiced in their use.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting. A Trandoshan's eyes are super-sensitive and see into the infrared spectrum.
- Regeneration: You can make an extra recovery roll each day. This roll is one action. So you can make two recovery rolls that each take one action (as well as other recovery rolls following rests). Also, severed limbs can be regrown. To do so you must spend 10 Might points, but the maximum you can spend per day for this regrowth is 2.
- Inability: Your clawed hands have difficulty manipulating objects. The difficulty of any task involving the manipulation of light objects and weapons is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction is increased by one step. Trandoshans are known to be violent, brutal and driven and their slave-trading does not endear them to most people.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Trandoshan Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Strength
- Starting Skills: Endurance 1.
- Starting Talent Trees: Toughness
- Starting Talents: Darkvision, Extraordinary Recuperation, Limb Regeneration, Rugged, Tough Hide.
- Starting Flaws: All-Thumbs (Major), Arrogant (Minor), Clumsy (Minor), Hatred (Minor - Wookies), Violent (Major).
- Claws: You have claws that can be used as weapons (stats Coriolis p130).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Twi'lek Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Dexterity or your Intelligence increases by 1.
- Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern colour in darkness, only shades of grey.
- Deceptive. You have proficiency in the Deception skill.
- Languages. Basic, Ryl.
- Resilient. You have advantage on saving throws against poison and disease and you are resistant to poison damage.
- Secret Communication: You can communicate basic concepts to other twi'leks that can clearly see you using subtle movements of your lekku (head tails).
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Twi'lek Drawbacks
- Unwise (Minor) OR Weak (Minor). Twi'leks may make convincing diplomats, but are relatively weak-willed. Few are known for their strength either..
Although not assigned to all twi'leks, players should consider taking the Weak-Willed (Major) flaw.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a twi'lek, you select one of the following: Endurance, Lore, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth, Streetwise, or one language.
There are several subraces of twi'leks though these mostly equate to way of life and skin tones. (In time, I may look into the different subraces and develop them).
Race |
Feat & Source |
Twi'Lek |
Wasteland Wanderer (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Twi'Lek |
Wild Survivor (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Twi'lek Characteristics
- Calculating & Charismatic: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Low-Light Vision: Your eyes count as an asset for low-light spotting.
- Secret Communication: You can communicate basic concepts to other twi'leks within a short range using subtle movements of your lekku (head tails).
- Skill: Twi'lek are generally healthy and resistant to toxins and illness. Your physiology counts as an asset to resist toxins and disease.
- Skill: You are trained in deception tasks.
- Inability: Twi'lek are easily manipulated and seek the approval of others. The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls is increased by one.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Twi'lek Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Empathy
- Assigned Skills: Endurance 1, Manipulation 1.
- Starting Talents: Deceptive, Low-Light Vision, Secret Communication (head tails).
- Starting Flaws: Weak Mind (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- These are actually the Saurians from Titan's Grave: The Ashes of Valkana p20. I am using them for another game, so here is a good place to hide them for now. Besides, they would make a fine species for Star Wars.
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Valaath Characteristics
- Smart: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Skill: You are trained in balancing tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in running tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in one knowledge skill of your choice. This is usually engineering or science-based, but it does not have to be. Or you are trained in the use of one group of technological devices, gadgets, etc. This can be computer systems, vehicles, lab gear, etc.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Valaath can be a little tongue-tied due to being so focused on their own interests and many are a little fatalistic too.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Verpine Characteristics
- Exoskeleton: +1 Armor. Verpine are covered in flexible chitin.
- Microscopic Sight: You have an asset on all site-based perception tasks made verses targets within immediate range. This is typically used to examine the fine details of gadgets.
- Telecommunications: Through their antennae, Verpine can transmit and receive radio waves out to 1km, allowing them to communicate silently with each other in this range. The more Verpine are present, the further the distance signals can be sent.
- Skill: You are trained in perception tasks.
- Skill: You are trained in repairing, modifying and crafting machines and electronics.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Vurk Characteristics
- Leathery Hide: +1 to your Armor.
- Hardy: +2 to your Might pool.
- Slow: -2 to your Speed pool.
- Aquatic: You can breathe underwater and suffer no movement or attack penalties whilst in water.
- Wide Vision: The positioning of your eyes provides you with an asset for perception tasks requiring vision.
- Skill: You are trained in any Might defense task requiring endurance. A Vurk's nomadic existence builds stamina.
- Skill: You are trained in Intellect defense tasks. Vurk are very even-tempered.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Weequay Characteristics
- Tough skin: +1 to Armor.
- Hardy: +2 to your Might Pool.
- Dull: -2 to your Intellect Pool.
- Pheromones: You can communicate silently with other Weequay within short range.
- Skill: You are trained in Might defense tasks. Weequay are hardy and adapted to their harsh homeworld.
- Inability: The difficulty of all tasks relating to pleasant social interaction with other species is increased by one step. Weequay rarely communicate with other species, are known to be violent, and lack individuality.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Weequay Characteristics
- Assigned Skills: Endurance 1
- Attribute Adjustments: Wits maximum 4, Empathy maximum 4.
- Starting Talents: Pheromones, Rugged, Talisman Maker (an Entry Edge), Tough Hide
- Starting Flaws: Belligerent (Major), Dullard (Minor), Outsider (Minor)
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p18.
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p182. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Whipid Characteristics
- Very Powerful: +4 to your Might Pool.
- Simple: -2 to your Intellect Pool. Whipids have a very simplistic, predatory view of life.
- Claws: You have claws that can be used as medium weapons and you are practiced in their use.
- Insulating Fur: Your fur counts as two assets for rolls made to reduce the damage or effects from the cold.
- Scent: You ignore cover and concealment penalties within short range for perception tasks and lighting penalties to track.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks relating to hunting and tracking.
- Blindness Resistance: Your eyes count as an asset when making rolls to resist blindness from bright light. Whipids eyes have adjusted to account for snow blindness.
- Primitive: Any benefit you gain from being practised in weapons only applies to primitive weapons at character creation. You have to take separate training in advanced weapons, including blasters, at later tiers.
- Inability: Your clawed hands have difficulty manipulating objects. The difficulty of any task involving the manipulation of light objects and weapons is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of all Intellect tasks is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of Speed defense rolls is one step higher for you. Whipids are bulky, slow and easy targets.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Wookie Characteristics
- Very Powerful: +4 to your Might Pool.
- Unwise: -2 to your Intellect Pool. Wookiees are impulsive and lack learning that is not survival based.
- Extraordinary Recuperation: You halve the time it takes to make a recovery roll (minimum one action).
- Frenzy (2 Intellect points): When you wish, while in combat, you can enter a state of rage. While in this state, you can't use points from your Intellect Pool, but you gain +1 to your Might Edge and your Speed Edge. This effect lasts for as long as you wish, but ends if no combat is taking place within range of your senses. Enabler.
- Thick Fur: Your fur counts as an asset for rolls made to reduce the damage or effects from the cold.
- Skill: You are trained in climbing.
- Skill: You are trained in all actions involving breaking inanimate objects, including droids.
- Inability: Your clawed hands have difficulty manipulating objects. The difficulty of any task involving the manipulation of light objects and weapons is increased by one step.
- Inability: The difficulty of any task that involves patience, willpower, or discipline is increased by one step. Wookies are known for their impatience.
- Inability: The difficulty of friendly social interactions is increased by one step for you. Wookies are typically intimidating and they are unable to communicate in Basic.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Wookie Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Strength
- Attribute Adjustments: Strength maximum 6, Wits maximum 4.
- Starting Skills: Muscle 2.
- Starting Talent Trees: Fury, Intimidation
- Starting Talents: Climber, Extraordinary Recuperation, Rage, Thick Fur.
- Starting Flaws: All-Thumbs (Major), Hatred (Minor - Trandoshans), Limited Vocabulary (can't speak Basic), Loyal (Minor), Uneducated (Minor), Weak-Willed (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
- Saga Edition: The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide p17
- Ultimate Alien Anthology p187. (d20)
- Wookiepedia entry
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Yarkora Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Wits.
- Assigned Skills: Manipulation 2, Observation 1.
- Starting Talents: Deceptive, Gorger, Social Cunning.
- Starting Flaws: All-Thumbs (Major), Lumbering (Minor).
Bashed and Borrowed
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E / Esper Genesis
Zabrak Traits
- Ability Score Increase. Increase one ability score by 2 or two ability scores by 1.
- Resilient. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws.
- Resolute. You have advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
- Heightened Awareness. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
- Languages. Basic, Zabrak.
- Size. Medium.
- Speed. Base speed is 30 feet.
Zabrak Drawbacks
- Overconfident (Minor). Zabrak tend to believe there is nothing they cannot accomplish.
Bonus Proficiencies. For each minor drawback assigned to a zabrak, you select one of the following: Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, Intimidation, Survival, one weapon group (Simple), one set of artisan's tools, one vehicle group, or one appropriate language.
Race |
Feat & Source |
Zabrak |
Determined (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Zabrak |
Heroic Destiny (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Zabrak |
Survival Instinct (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Zabrak |
Unwavering Destiny (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Zabrak |
Wasteland Wanderer (House, 5E D&D Feats) |
Cypher System
Zabrak Characteristics
- Versatile: Distribute 3 points to any of your stat pools. All 3 cannot go into the same stat.
- Survivor: You are trained in Might defense tasks related to resisting environmental effects, such as thirst, heat, cold and radiation.
- Confidence: Each day, choose one skill that you believe will clearly help you reach your goal. You are trained in tasks related to that skill.
- Skill: You are trained in perception.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Zabrak Characteristics
- Assigned Skills: Endurance 1, Observation 1, Survival 1.
- Starting Talents: Rugged, Tenacious, Third Eye.
- Starting Flaws: Overconfident (Minor).
Bashed and Borrowed

Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
Zeltron Characteristics
- Charismatic: +2 to your Intellect pool.
- Pheromones (2 Might points): You can release pheromones that grant you an asset on any social interaction roll made against creatures within an immediate area.
- Skill: You are trained in all positive social interaction rolls. Zeltrons are universally friendly, jolly and sociable.
- Skill: You are trained in tasks involving sensing emotions, discerning dispositions, and getting a hunch about people within immediate range. Zeltrons have latent empathy and can sense the emotions of others.
- Inability. As a Zeltron senses the emotions of others, those emotions also affect the Zeltron. You are more vulnerable to powers that affect your mood. The difficulty of Intellect defense rolls to resist changing your state of mind are increased by one step.
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Zeltron Characteristics
- Key Attribute: Empathy
- Attribute Adjustments: Wits maximum 4, Empathy maximum 6.
- Assigned Skills: Manipulation 2, Sense Emotion 1
- Starting Talent Trees: Charisma
- Starting Talents: Empath, Exuberant, Pheromones.
- Starting Flaws: Weak-Willed (Major).
Bashed and Borrowed

(For any new species, copy and paste the template below.)
Information for playing this species can be found in the following sources:
Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Cypher System
AGE System
Year Zero Engine
Bashed and Borrowed