Ecw Characters

Last 3 Edits

Dec 4th, 2018
*Moved from old site.
May 15th, 2017. Uploaded PC Sheets.

The following are the PCs for our new campaign that started with the Cypher System by Monte Cook Games, but we have since converted to the Year Zero Engine as it appears in the Coriolis game by Fria Ligan. (This includes a lot of conversions - all on this site).


Okhoom's Razor

Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-2400 Freighter

(Ship Stats Sheet attached under Files below).


Ship Positions

Captain: Shar? (He was in the army) or Jakira (simply b/c she is used to dealing with people). No one has any skill in Command.
Engineer: Dyana
Pilot: Timon
Systems Op: Taragrin & Gefeen (One may be able to assist the other if spare seats in cockpit, but unlikely).
Gunner: Cav

(Others can be assigned after we get some discussion on the forums - may even change these ones - up to you guys).


Cav Adker

Weequay Smuggler - Pirate (played by Eric)

Background: Spent time working as a pirate for the Hutts.
Personality: .
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 0 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)


Dyana Saaoka

Togruta Tech - Gadgeteer (played by Deb)

Personality: .
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 0 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)


Gefeen Trask

Human Tech - Slicer (played by Andrew)

Background: Raised on the cold arid world of Ryloth (home of the twi'leks). His parents served as techs for a ryll spice mine there. When his mother was killed in a miners' uprising he left Ryloth with his father and settled on Bothuwui. Here he learnt a great deal more about computer systems (and hacking them) from the Bothans. Left Bothuwui to see more of the galaxy and soon found himself in the employ of smugglers and when things went wrong there he went into hiding on the Outer Rim world of Orto. Whilst there he lived in the shells of abandoned spacecraft and soon established himself within the group of misfits that also lived there, referring to themselves as The Hulkers.
Personality: Has a strong sense of achievement and loves competition and a challenge. Has a strong bond with Shar and believes this guy will help carry him to greatness. Loves pretending to be the stupid heavy and then shocking people with his knowledge and computer skills. Can be argumentative.
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 1 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)


Jakira Lynn

Zeltron Scoundrel - Con-Artist (played by Josh)

Background: Spent time with Bothan Spy Network.
Personality: .
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 0 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)


Taragrin Raksha

Chadra-Fan Tech - Slicer (played by Barry)

Personality: .
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 0 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)


Shar Greelo

Nautolan Soldier - Commando (played by Cam)

Background: Joined the army on his homeworld of Glee Anselm. His parents were killed in one of the battles with the Anselmi and Shar left the planet. Grief sent him into hiding on the Outer Rim planet of Orto. When war came to that planet in the form of the Clone Wars, Shar fought on the side of the Separatists, but soon regretted his decision and went into hiding again, this time in the city of Merggo, where Gefeen Trask took him in. The two ran with the Hulkers, a loose band of misfits that lived in the abonadoned space hulks in the northern part of the city. But Shar and Gefeen never really felt a part of the Hulkers and simply stayed awaiting a chance to leave Orto.
Personality: Loves his blasters and gunfighting - not necessarily the killing, just being very good with his weapons. Shar is also very musical, something he got from his parents.
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 1 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)


Timon Andervey

A Wealthy Human Speaker (Technology flavoured) that Pilots Starcraft (played by Joe)

Background: Grew up on Coruscant. Not wanting to rely on family wealth, he worked as a taxi speeder pilot and a mechanic. Whilst repairing a merchant's freighter, the Okhoom's Razor Timon was asked if he wanted to buy it. With family money he did and his parents supported him seeing more of the galaxy. He has operated since as a merchant, and having contacts with the Jedi (including Vaaressk) he even flew many Jedi on missions throughout the Clone Wars.
Personality: Timon is caring and genuinely seeks to do good with his wealth. Has a strong (Force-like) connection with Vaaressk.
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 1 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)



Trandoshan Jedi - Guardian (played by Angus)

Background: Knowing he was very different to other Trandoshans, Vaaressk left his home world whilst young. He signed on as security for a merchant vessel and travelled extensively with Bel Shariss. But after some time he ditched in Coruscant where he dreamed of being a Jedi. He worked for another merchant at a market area from which Vaaressk could see the Jedi Temple. After many tries he eventually convinced a Jedi to have him assessed and he was soon training at the Temple. He was assigned to the Jedi Investigator ???. Vaaressk was tried early in his career, when he got to accompany Mace Windo and Anakin Skywalker at the Battle of Malastare. Vaaressk took charge of a small unit of troopers. He did not really see much action on the front lines, but proved to be an important rearguard.
Personality: Dignified. He is quite grounded and accepting for a Trandoshan. He even cope's well with others' usually negative reactions towards him.
Gaming Goals:
Wish List: (Write what items, benefits, treasure, etc you would like here)

(YZE Character sheet @ 1 Adv attached under Files at bottom of page)

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